Changing Program Skin and Texts


Note: Please make sure you have the latest ISL Conference Proxy, modules and programs installed. ISL Light 3.2.0a or newer is required.

First please go to this topic for information on skin and text customization that applies to hosted service and server licence users: Changing program skin and texts

For using skin customization with your server licence, refer to the steps below.

Using skin customization

Please follow these steps to add customized skin and texts to a customization:

  1. Login to your ISL Conference Proxy administration (http://localhost:7615/conf).
  2. Go to Configuration - Advanced - Customize.
  3. Click Create new customization.
    Note: You can combine skin and text customization with the company logo customization etc. If you have already created a customization with your company logo (by following the previous chapter - Adding a company logo), simply click on the customization name ("mycustom" for this example) and proceed to step 5.
  4. Change the customization name from the randomly generated string to something simpler - for this example, we shall use "mycustom".
  5. Check the Show expert settings checkbox.
  6. Scroll down to the Custom skin package (ZIP) entry, click upload..., click Choose and select the prepared file.
  7. Scroll down to the Window title entry and enter the desired window title (e.g. MyCompany Support) - this changes the ISL Network Start window title.
  8. You can use Icon for executable (PNG) entry to set a custom icon if you wish.
  9. Click Save at the bottom.


You have now created a customization with a custom skin and texts and there are a few ways to use it - each way has its own benefits and usage cases. Please refer to the previous chapter (Adding a company logo) for instructions on how to use the created customization.

Tags: modify content, customize design

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