Installing XAMPP and Smarty


Important: If prompted by a firewall, allow connections for the web server and the database.

  1. Download XAMPP self-extracting package:
  2. Double-click it and extract to C:\ - this will create C:\xampp folder.
  3. Download Smarty zip package:
  4. Create a new folder called smarty in the xampp folder (i.e. C:\xampp\smarty).
  5. Unzip the Smarty zip package to a temporary directory, e.g. C:\tmp\smarty
  6. Go to that temporary directory, go to the Smarty-2.6.25 subfolder and then copy everything there (demo, libs, ...) to C:\xampp\smarty
  7. Open C:\xampp\php\php.ini with notepad, search for Paths and Directories, scroll down to Windows and then replace the line
    include_path = ".;C:\xampp\php\pear\"
    with the line
    include_path = ".;C:\xampp\php\pear\;C:\xampp\smarty\libs\"
  8. Create a new folder called example in the C:\xampp\htdocs folder (i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs\example).
  9. Create a new folder called smarty in the C:\xampp\htdocs folder (i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs\smarty).
  10. Create a new folder called templates in the C:\xampp\htdocs\smarty folder (i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs\smarty\templates).
  11. Create a new folder called configs in the C:\xampp\htdocs\smarty folder (i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs\smarty\configs).
  12. Create a new folder called templates_c in the C:\xampp\smarty folder (i.e. C:\xampp\smarty\templates_c).
  13. Create a new folder called cache in theC:\xampp\smarty folder (i.e. C:\xampp\smarty\cache).
  14. Start the XAMPP Control Panel Application by double-clicking xampp-control.exe in C:\xampp (i.e. C:\xampp\xampp-control.exe).
  15. Click Start next to Apache and wait until the green Running label appears.
  16. Click Start next to MySql and wait until the green Running label appears.
  17. Click Admin... next to Apache - it will open a page in your web browser.
  18. Select the language (these instructions use English).
  19. Click Security, it will open a page XAMPP SECURITY.
  20. Click the link http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php in the middle of the page.
  21. Enter the desired password for MySQL SuperUser in the provided space next to New password. Enter it again in the provided space next to Repeat the new password.
  22. Click the Password changing button.
  23. You need to restart MySql - switch to the XAMPP Control Panel Application, click Stop next to MySql, wait for the green Running label to disappear, then click Start to start it again - wait for the green label Running to appear.
  24. Click Admin... next to MySql - it will open a page in your web browser.
  25. Login using root as username and entering the password that you set in the step 21.
  26. Click the Privileges tab at the top, then select Add a new User in the middle of the page.
  27. In the Login Information section, enter isltest next to User name:, isltest next to Password:, isltest next to Re-type:.
  28. In the Database for user section, select Create database with the same name and grant all privileges.
  29. Click Go at the bottom.

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