Querying Session Information


Querying session information is supported on ISL Conference Proxy 3.1.1 and ISL Light 3.1.1 and later.

Note: Replace dbsecret in the examples below with the appropriate database secret. 

Retrieve all sessions

<queryDatabase secret="dbsecret">

Retrieve all sessions for a user

<queryDatabase secret="dbsecret">
    <islLightSession user="\\default\x"/>

Retrieve all sessions for a domain

<queryDatabase secret="dbsecret">
    <islLightSession domain="default"/>

Retrieve sessions in a time interval (using XML Schema dateTime)

<queryDatabase secret="dbsecret">
    <islLightSession fromCreatedDateTime="2008-01-01T00:00:00Z" toCreatedDateTime="2008-05-01T00:00:00Z"/>

Retrieve sessions in a time interval (using UNIX epoch time)

<queryDatabase secret="dbsecret">
    <islLightSession fromCreatedTime="1206303063" toCreatedTime="2000000000"/>

Retrieve a session using a database id

<queryDatabase secret="dbsecret">
    <islLightSession id="s-1_0_1"/>

Session information

<islLightSession id="...">  <!-- top level element, database id -->
<clientAddress>, <deskAddress> <!-- client/desk network address --> <clientAgent>, <deskAgent> <!-- client/desk user agent --> <clientHostname>, <deskHostname> <!-- client/desk device hostname --> <clientLanguage>, <deskLanguage> <!-- client/desk user interface language --> <clientMacAddresses>, <deskMacAddresses>  <!-- client/desk MAC addresses --> <clientNetworkInterfaces>, <deskNetworkInterfaces> <!-- client/desk network interfaces --> <clientOSArch>, <deskOSArch> <!-- client/desk device OS architecture --> <clientOSVersion>, <deskOSVersion> <!-- client/desk device OS version (hex) --> <clientPlatform>, <deskPlatform> <!-- client/desk device platform --> <clientTransport>, <deskTransport> <!-- client/desk network transport type --> <clientVersion>, <deskVersion> <!-- client/desk software version --> <closed>1</closed> <!-- indicator present if session was closed on client or desk side --> <createdTime> <!-- creation time (get code) in unix epoch --> <createdTimeDateTime> <!-- creation time (get code) in xml schema format --> <dead>1</dead> <!-- indicator present if session has finished, no endpoints (desk/client) connected to server anymore. Session cannot be resumed. --> <clientCountryCode>, <clientCountry>, <clientCity>, <deskCountryCode>, <deskCountry>, <deskCity> <!-- geo location for client/desk --> <deskCode> <!-- session code --> <domain>, <domainId> <!-- domain of the user, who created the session (desk) --> <gracefulExit>1</gracefulExit> <!-- present, if the session was gracefully terminated (not closed by ping timeout) --> <httpNotification> <!-- custom http notification data --> <lastTransferredPacketTime> <!-- number of seconds after startTime, when last packet was successfully transferred between client and desk --> <softUsageTimeSum> <!-- soft concurrent usage time sum --> <startTime> <!-- session start (client connected to desk)in unix epoch --> <startTimeDateTime> <!-- session start (client connected to desk)in xml schema format --> <timeLimit> <!-- time limit of session in seconds --> <totalConnectionTime> <!-- time in seconds from createdTime --> <totalTransferredBytes> <!-- sum of all transferred upload and download bytes --> <transportReconnects> <!-- number of all session reconnects, when client and desk were disconnected temporarily --> <user>, <userId>, <username> <!-- user, who created the session (desk) --> <messages> <!-- session messages, dialogs, etc. Zero or more <message> elements: -->  <message id="..."> <!-- top level element, database id -->     <MSGTYPE> <!-- type of message (results for dialogs, ...) -->     <TIMESTAMP>, <timestampDateTime> <!-- message creation time, unix epoch and xml schema format -->     <actionType> <!-- event time...when message occurred (eos - end of session, ...) -->     <softwareType> <!-- client or desk -->     <data name="...">, </data> <!-- custom dialog data result --> <rsessSameSeq> <!-- counter of restarts of session --> <textCode> <!-- session code -->

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