This topic describes executables and processes that are running/started on a computer that has ISL AlwaysOn installed and on a computer connecting to it via ISL AlwaysOn Connect.
On the remote side (where ISL AlwaysOn is installed):
- ISLAlwaysOnService.exe (watchdog service process - it ensures that the ISLAlwaysOn server process is always running)
- ISLAlwaysOn.exe (main process that serves ISL AlwaysOn functionality)
- ISLAlwaysOnTray.exe (tray process is started in each session - it shows ISL AlwaysOn status icon in system tray)
When a user connects, ISLAlwaysOn.exe will launch ISLLightFast.exe:
- ISLLightFast.exe (ISL Light program showing Drag & Drop connection box, if the connection was established without downloading the client)
- issc_daemon (this service starts after initial connection)
NOTE: On the computer, there might be running multiple ISLAlwaysOn.exe processes (one for each Windows session) and there might be multiple ISLAlwaysOnTray.exe processes showing tray icon status (one for each Windows session).
If connection option "download client" is selected when connecting to an unattended computer, there are some additional services that are started:
- ISLLightService.exe (watchdog service process - it ensures that ISLLight process is always running; a proxy process that starts desktop streaming service under appropriate account)
- isllight.exe (main ISL Light program showing GUI in serving remote desktop session that was restarted due to FUS, restart, or logoff)
- ISLLightService.exe (desktop streaming service process)
- issc_daemon (this service starts after initial connection)
On the remote side (with ISL AlwaysOn agent installed):
- ISLAlwaysOn (main process that serves ISL AlwaysOn functionality)
- ISLAlwaysOn Tray (tray process is started in each session - it shows ISL AlwaysOn status icon in system tray)
- ISL AlwaysOn --service (watchdog service process - it ensures that the ISLAlwaysOn server process is always running)
- issc_daemon (this service starts after initial connection)
When a user connects, ISLAlwaysOn will launch ISLLightFast.
On the remote side (with ISL AlwaysOn agent installed):
- ISLAlwaysOn service (watchdog service process - it ensures that the ISLAlwaysOn server process is always running)
- ISLAlwaysOn --service-agent (main process that serves ISL AlwaysOn functionality)
- ISLAlwaysOn Tray (tray process is started in each session - it shows ISL AlwaysOn status icon in system tray)
- issc_daemon (this service starts after initial connection)
When a user connects, ISLAlwaysOn will launch ISLLightFast.