This menu entry provides a list with server information. If you use a single server, the list will include only one server. If you use GRID, you will see a list of your servers.
The following information is available for each server:
- Server ID (server's unique ID)
- Address (server's configured network address)
- Connected (sign - indicates that this is the current server; yes indicates that the remote server is connected and data transmissions will work as expected; no indicates that the remote server failed to connect - please check log files to see the reason)
- Version (currently installed version of ISL Conference Proxy)
- Build time (time when the installed version was built)
- Up time (indicates server's uptime in format HH:MM:SS)
- Connected time (indicates the duration of current connection if connected, or last connection if disconnected)
- Disconnected time (indicates the duration of current disconnection if not connected, or last disconnection if connected.)
- ISL Light (indicates a number of ISL Light sessions in certain state - active, get_code, half_connected, reconnecting)
- ISL Pronto (indicates the number of clients, supporters and chats)
- Service usage (shows current service usage per product / component)
- Socket count (shows current socket statistics - max_fds, open_fds, objects, in_pool)
You can select the desired server and perform one of the following actions (if you do not use GRID, options two and three do not have an effect):
- Restart selected
- Reconnect selected in GRID
- Disconnect selected from GRID
Note: Restart selected restarts only the ISL Conference Proxy program, not your physical server.