File storage


Note: It is not advisable to use ISL Conference Proxy installation directories for storing server-side session recordings, as that may cause disruptions in server functionality (e.g., automatic updates). We advise using a separate volume for storing session recordings.

This menu entry includes the following tabs that represent different regions:

  • Public (this region can be used as a file storage - a list of files in this region is accessible to everyone at the following address: http://localhost:7615/files, access to a certain file in this region is possible through a direct link, e.g. if you upload a file called MyPublicFile.txt, it is accessible at http://localhost:7615/files/MyPublicFile.txt)
  • Private (these files are used internally when you have servers connected in GRID, file will be shared in the GRID)
  • Private (local) (these files are used internally and will remain on the server they get uploaded to)
  • Programs (this is a list of installed programs)
  • Plugins (this is a list of installed plugins)
  • Actions (this is a list of installed actions)
  • Translations (this is a list of installed translation files)
  • Modules (this is a list of installed ISL Conference Proxy modules)
  • Upgrade (this is a list of pending ISL Conference Proxy upgrades - when you perform an online update, updates get copied here)
  • Crash reports (this is a list of crash reports that are sent to ISL Conference Proxy when an user reports a crash of a program)

Warning: If you remove modules / programs / plugins from the list, certain programs or ISL Conference Proxy components may stop operating properly. Vast majority of users do not need to use the Private, Programs, Translations, Modules and Upgrade file storage options and should perform updating procedures through the Online update option - please refer to this topic for more information.

Note: All region files are stored within the directory where ISL Conference Proxy is installed.

Based on the selected tab, you see a list of files that are present on your ISL Conference Proxy (e.g. if you click on the Programs tab, you see a list of programs).

To upload a file, use the interface above the list - click Choose, select the desired file, then click Upload to upload the file.

To delete one or more files, check the appropriate checkboxes left of the file names and click Delete selected at the bottom.

Warning: Selected files are deleted immediately, there is no additional confirmation after you press the Delete selected button!

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, configuration, advanced

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