ISL Light 4.4.1825.15 for Android (2018-07-31)


General Information

On 31st of July the following was released:

  • ISL Light 4.4.1825.15 for Android (release_date=2018-05-30, build=649eeedccddee22145e32f78d1ca1244272e73ce, platform=Android, os_version=4.2.0-FFF).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android .

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android .

ISL Light 4.4.1825.15 for Android is available in Google Play Store and it has also a corresponding program file (isl_light_4_4_1825_15_android_201807301742_731c2fb8.program) which adds information about customizations to ISL Conference Proxy. Server License users need to use Online update to get the file.


New features

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Raise minimum required Android version to 4.2 (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-5086]  More


Minimum supported Android version was raised to API level 17 ( Android 4.2 ).

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Add support for Android TV and redesign user interface (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5060]  More


Added support for Android TV. On devices with Android TV the user interface was also redesigned.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Disable option to have viewer on Android TV (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5091]  More


Option to view remote desktop on Android TV is now disabled by default. Devices with Android TV can only stream their own screen.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Log when streaming on TV is full of client not ready log lines (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5088]  More


When streaming device screen using add-on the log was full of "client not ready" log lines. Those log lines were removed.

The defect was fixed.

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