ISL AlwaysOn 1.1.0 for Windows (2008-09-24)


General Information

On 24th September 2008 we have released:

  • ISL AlwaysOn 1.1.0 (2008-09-24) win32
  • ISL AlwaysOn Connect 1.1.0 (2008-09-24) win32

Upgrading to new version

Hosted Service

Open ISL AlwaysOn Computer access configuration on computer and it will automatically offer upgrade to latest version.

New computer installations automatically use latest version.

ISL AlwaysOn Connect upgrades automatically.

Server License

Upgrades are free of charge for ISL Online Server License users with active Extended Support Service. ISL Online Server License users with expired Extended Support Service are welcome to purchase Extended Support Service in order to gain access to the newly released ISL Online Server system. In case you have extended ESS you will need to create new license file and upload it to your ISL Conference Proxy server.

Quick Instructions for users with ISL Conference Proxy 3.1 installed

  1. open web administration of ISL Conference Proxy http://localhost:7615/conf
  2. login using admin account
  3. click Online update link in left navigation
  4. click Apply changes if you have automatic install


Major improvements

  • support for translations
  • access history to the computer
  • improved communication layer
  • fixed problems with computer restart
  • improved Windows 2000 support

New features

#159437: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): computer access history [New feature] More


All access to a computer through ISL AlwaysOn are now stored on local computer so administrator can check who accessed computer and when.

#159434: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): close functionality [New feature] More


A close feature to stop all services has been implemented. This is usefull if you want to temporarily stop the ISL AlwaysOn access to a computer. ISL AlwaysOn will not connect to ISL Conference Proxy server any more.

#159436: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): support for translations [New feature] More


Support for ISL AlwaysOn program and ISL AlwaysOn Connect program translations has been added. Initially there are German, Spanish, Japanese and Slovene translations available. Additional translations can also be added to the same release in the future.

#136563: ISL AlwaysOn Connect (Windows - All): added possibility to uncheck save password [New feature] More


ISL AlwaysOn Connect failed to connect in case you changed password in ISL Conference Proxy user web profile change.


- login to using active username

- start ISL AlwaysOn Connect program and check the "save password"

- establish the connection and then stop it

- start again ISL AlwaysOn Connect program, we added option to uncheck saved password

#159437: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): improved connectivity layer [New feature] More


Http proxy settings are now copied to service account so that ISL AlwaysOn program can connect to internet.

#91655: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): problem with ISLAlwaysOn upgrade and rdp mtstc/console shadow session [Defect fix] More


The defect was fixed.

#147332: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): rare problem at install on clean computer  [Defect fix] More


Install clean computer with ISL AlwaysOn. In gui Grant access. Computer with granted access will show-up in web interface but it could be offline.

This happens when GUI and SERVICE part of AON connects to different server in grid.

#138750: ISL AlwaysOn (Windows - All): wrong IP in last accessed from IP field [Defect fix] More


ISL AlwaysOn program (computer access configuration) showed wrong last accessed IP.

The defect was fix.

#129637: ISL AlwaysOn Connect (Windows - All): failed login in ISL AlwaysOn connect after password change[Defect fix] More


ISL AlwaysOn Connect failed to connect in case you changed password in ISL Conference Proxy user web profile change.

Procedure to recreate defect:

- login to using active username

- go to ISL AlwaysOn, click connect, user login from web works, cancel

- goto modify profile, change password

- goto alwayson page, connect to the same computer

- fails web login

The defect was fixed.

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