ISL Groop 1.2.1 for Windows (2009-06-30)


General Information

On 30th June 2009 we have released:

  • ISL Groop 1.2.1 (2009-06-30) win32

Upgrading to new version

Hosted Service

Please visit to host a meeting or join a meeting.

Important: You need to have a valid ISL Online products login to host a meeting using ISL Groop.

Server License

Upgrades are free of charge for ISL Online Server License users with active Extended Support Service. ISL Online Server License users with expired Extended Support Service are welcome to purchase Extended Support Service in order to gain access to the newly released ISL Online Server system. In case you have extended ESS you will need to create new license file and upload it to your ISL Conference Proxy server.

Quick Instructions for users with ISL Conference Proxy 3.1 installed

  1. open web administration of ISL Conference Proxy http://localhost:7615/conf
  2. login using admin account
  3. click Online update link in left navigation
  4. click Apply changes if you have automatic install


#297486: ISL Groop (Windows - All): audio clipping detection [New feature] More


When your audio recording level is set too high, you will receive a notification about it. Your audio recording level will also be lowered to try and correct the problem.

#290705: ISL Groop (Windows - All): open and edit on file does not work. [Defect fix] More


When you imported a file and tried to open or edit it before it was uploaded to the server, the file would become broken. This problem has been fixed.

#297487: ISL Groop (Windows - All): client crashing [Defect fix] More


Client would sometimes crash even when idle. The problem was fixed.

#297488: ISL Groop (Confproxy Module): memory leak [Defect fix] More


There was a memory leak in multicast streaming. The server would use up all the memory and crash. This problem was fixed.

#303599: ISL Groop (Windows - All): when sharing is allowed application can crash [Defect fix] More


ISL Groop will crash in following situation; it has own desktop sharing slide that is not selected and application is minimized. Crash will occur when remote side request to switch to own sharing slide is granted.

#303593: ISL Groop (Windows - All): audio settings playback volume bug [Defect fix] More


In audio settings changing location of playback volume slider does not reflect in output audio volume.

#303592: ISL Groop (Windows - All): invalid full screen offset of white board tools [Defect fix] More


When user switches layout to full screen and back white board tools are offset.

#303591: ISL Groop (Windows - All): invalid push to talk after audio wizard [Defect fix] More


After the user starts Groop for the first time, audio wizard can enable press to talk, but this status is not reflected in gui.

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