ISL Groop 1.0.2 for Windows (2008-05-26)


General Information

On 26th May 2008 we have released:

  • ISL Groop 1.0.2 (2008-05-22) win32
  • ISL Conference Proxy - ISL Groop 1.0.2 (2008-05-22)

Upgrading to new version

Hosted Service

Please visit to host a meeting or join a meeting.

Important: You need to have a valid ISL Online products login to host a meeting using ISL Groop.

Server License

Upgrades are free of charge for ISL Online Server License users with active Extended Support Service. ISL Online Server License users with expired Extended Support Service are welcome to purchase Extended Support Service in order to gain access to the newly released ISL Online Server system. In case you have extended ESS you will need to create new license file and upload it to your ISL Conference Proxy server.

Quick Instructions for users with ISL Conference Proxy 3.1 installed

  1. open web administration of ISL Conference Proxy http://localhost:7615/conf
  2. login using admin account
  3. click Online update link in left navigation
  4. click Apply changes if you have automatic install


Major improvements

  • Improved audio module - improved speech detection algorithm, auto gain and echo cancelling. Problems with synchronization of audio status fixed.
  • Improved reconnects - session lingers for few minutes when owner is disconnected, reconnect does not close user interface.


New features

#109427: ISL Groop (Windows - All): new auto gain for audio module [New feature] More


Automatic volume gain has been improved to support .

#114160: ISL Groop (Windows - All): echo cancellationfor audio module [Defect fix] More


Echo cancellation has been improved so that it is enabled only when remote user playback is playing.

#115191: ISL Conference Proxy - Groop (Windows - All, Linux - All): keep session alive for a few minutes when owner is gone to allow reconnect [New feature] More


When all privileged users leave the session there is a timeout of 3minutes before the session gets shutdown.

#110317: ISL Groop (Windows - All): go to wait when session stopped [New feature] More


Client drops to 'Waiting for session start' dialog when session gets stopped.

#115192: ISL Groop (Windows - All): reconnect without closing GUI [New feature] More


Reconnecting to session (when connection gets lost) now happens with an active GUI window (where you can still look at slides in offline mode).

#109428: ISL Groop (Windows - All): asynchronous downloading of slides [New feature] More


Downloading of slides and their data is now in the background and does not block the client GUI.


Defect fixes

#114158: ISL Groop (Windows - All): fix audio replay problem [Defect fix] More


Fixed a problem where a small chunk of audio got stuck in the play buffer and was replayed.

#110322: ISL Groop (Windows - All): reconnect not working [Defect fix] More


Fixed a bug where client would exit instead of attempting reconnection on connection loss.

#110318: ISL Groop (Windows - All): select first slide as presentation slide on session start [Defect fix] More


When users enter the session, the first slide (if one exists) is the presentation slide until it is changed by a presenter/host.

#110316: ISL Groop (Windows - All): connecting to streams while in settings [Defect fix] More


Fixed a problem where users were unable to hear audio from others if they were in settings while audio streams were being created.

#114624: ISL Conference Proxy - Groop (Windows - All, Linux - All): clean runtime session objects [Defect fix] More


Fixed a defect where in-memory session objects remained forever when server running the session crashed or was shutdown.

#115686: ISL Groop (Windows - All): flashing desktop stream problem [Defect fix] More


Fixed a problem where a shared application would flash on viewers windows.

#115775: ISL Groop (Windows - All): fix defects with whiteboard items [Defect fix] More


Fixed a defect where whiteboard items could become unsynchronized among clients in some cases.

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