ISL Groop 1.1.0 for iOS (2013-06-14)


General Information

On 14th of June 2013 we have released:

  • ISL Groop 1.1.0 for iOS (Build date=2013-06-07, Revision=28661, Platform=iOS).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android


New features

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Implement translation support More [ISLGROOP-182]


Application is now translated to 10 languages:

- English

- German

- Spanish

- French

- Italian

- Japanese

- Dutch

- Portuguese

- Portuguese (Brazilian)

- Slovenian

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - external user authentication with changing password support (SecureID and Radius)   More [ISLGROOP-183]


Support for external authentication has been added to the application. If users session expires or the previously entered credentials are not valid anymore, user will be prompted to re-enter their password in order to re-authenticate with ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - session details view update to expose join option More [ISLGROOP-189]


Session details screen has been redesigned and is more user friendly.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - add 'Repeat password' to sign up view   More [ISLGROOP-190]


Sign up view has been changed. In order to sign up for a trial account users have to repeat the password.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Implement support for switching language and on the fly translation More [ISLGROOP-191]


Support for on-the-fly switching of languages has been added to the application.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Play video from application and using the r301 API More [ISLGROOP-196]


When clicking on the play button, the promo video is played within application instead of opening the Youtube application.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Include analytics in app More [ISLGROOP-200]


Google Analytics have been added to the application.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Add settings button for one-time password More [ISLGROOP-201]


If remember password setting is disabled, user should be prompted for credentials after session id expires or immediately if trying to join a meeting ( when using external authentication )

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Implement Guest role support More [ISLGROOP-202]


Support for the Guest role of a meeting has been added to application. The guest role has no sound and video permissions and can only select presentation view.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Crash auto reporting More [ISLGROOP-204]


Crash reports are now automatically send to our internal server for debugging purposes.


ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - wrong server address in description on meeting details page More [ISLGROOP-186]


Users that have changed the ISL Conference Proxy address in settings still got the following text in meeting details screen:

Visit on your computer and enter the code in order to join the meeting.

The static string is now replaced with the correct ISL Conference Proxy address.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - AutoTransport respect port setting (remove service reconnect) More [ISLGROOP-187]


Users who were using ISL Groop in connection with their ISL Conference Proxy ( server license ), could not connect if they have set up their conference proxy on non-default ISL transport ports. Application now uses the port setting in saved in preferences of the application and uses that port to connect to the ISL Conference Proxy server. If there are any changes to the ISL server preference of the application the application will try to establish a connection using that settings and notify user if preferences are set correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Limit jitter buffer size to 5000ms More [ ISLGROOP-192]


Application could in some circumstances increase the jitter buffer size indefinitely. Upper limit has now been fixed to 5000ms.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Invalid platform reported from client   More [ ISLGROOP-193]


When users connected to the session the client version which was reported to the server was wrong. The procedure for sending client version has been redesigned, the application now sends correct version to the server ( client app version with revision ).

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Unhandled disconnect with incoming phone call or after some period of inactivity More [ ISLGROOP-194]


Users who received phone call during ISL groop session did not get any notification if the connection got dropped and were not connected to the meeting anymore. Notification is now shown whenever user loses connection to the server and prompts user to reconnect.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Application reports "Not all content received" through the duration of the meeting   More [ ISLGROOP-195]


Desktop users saw "not all content received" message for users who connected to the ISL Groop meeting via iOS device. Confirmation for the received content is send to the ISL Conference Proxy and Desktop users will not longer see the message.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Could not login with certain domain/username   More [ ISLGROOP-199]


Users whose username or domain contained certain characters could not login, the error reported was always incorrect username/password. Characters are now properly parsed and users should no longer receive error and should be able to login.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile iOS - Reimplement forgot password screen   More [ ISLGROOP-205]


By pressing forgot password button on the login screen, the user is taken to a new screen where they have to input their email address in order to recover their account credentials.

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