ISL Groop 4.4.2147.19 for Android (2022-03-31)


General Information

On 31st of March the following was released:

  • ISL Groop 4.4.2147.19 for Android (Build date=2022-03-30, build=34b1fddca3a275d073af7abfd80b2ea5675c4171, Platform=Android).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android .

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android .


ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Make join screen initial screen and fix application styling (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1193] More


The join session screen is now the initial screen when opening the ISL Groop application. Updated and modernized application style. It visually looks similar to ISL Light.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Add support for software flags (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1200] More


In previous ISL Groop versions, there was no support for hefa flags. The flags implementation was redesigned, now hefa flags are also supported which enables the option to toggle code changes.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Add support for user registration to meeting (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1203] More


New functionality was added which allows users to register for a meeting in ISL Groop on Android. Currently, customized registration forms are not supported.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Enable student audio in classroom meeting type (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1211] More


New functionality was added which supports student audio in Classroom meeting in ISL Groop on Android.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Disable Library tab for students in classroom (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1212] More


New functionality was added which disables Library tab for students in Classroom meeting in ISL Groop on Android.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Implement support for teacher controls in classroom (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1213] More


New functionality was added, where teacher can control students' microphone and camera remotely. If "Skip the permission request to toggle a guest's audio / video" setting is disabled, students must first allow the control.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Classroom implement support for server-side student permissions (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1214] More


New functionality was implemented, which allows Teacher to revoke personal chat permission for students. Students can still chat publicly or privately with the teacher, but not between each other. Teacher can also revoke permission for students toggling microphone and camera.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Implement support for joining classroom type meeting (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1215] More


Support for joining classroom type meetings in ISL Groop on Android was implemented. Users can now join Classroom meetings on Android.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Classroom hide videos on meeting layout (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1216] More


Video views are now hidden when using the presentation layout in classroom type of meeting.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Disable nickname modification for students in classroom (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1217] More


New functionality was implemented which does not allow students to change their nickname while in a Classroom meeting.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Classroom show teacher slide in full screen (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1218] More


Teacher's screen share will automatically be shown in full screen view to all students.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Replace application icon (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-1225] More


The ISL Groop application icon was replaced by a new, updated version.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Fix webapi calls (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1194] More


In previous versions of ISL Groop, the old implemented API calls were used. We've replace those API calls with newer WebAPI2 calls.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Fix user password storage (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1198] More


In previous ISL Groop versions for Android the deprecated crypto methods were used for encrypting and storing user passwords. The implementation was redesigned, now _IslAndroidKeychain_ is used for storing user password.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Fix join session from external link (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1199] More


Some users were not able to join a session by tapping on a join link on Android. The functionality was changed and now allows users to join session by tapping on a join link, which will open the application and join the session on Android.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Fix local audio and video (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1201] More


Users experienced an issue where audio and video did not work when users connected from Android phone. The implementation was redesigned and the users do not experience the issue anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Replace external PhotoView with native controller (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1202] More


Users encountered an issue where ISL Groop would crash on Android when tapping on a meeting slide in order to view it. The functionality was redesigned and the application does not crash anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Fix user sign up (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1204] More


Users encountered an issue where they were not able to Sign up in ISL Groop on Android. The functionality was redesigned, users are able to sign up in ISL Groop on Android now.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Stop session on app remove from recent (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1221] More


Users experienced an issue where ISL Groop would crash on Android when they would terminate the application and reopen it. The functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience this issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Camera stream does not work unless floating camera surface has sufficient size (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1229] More


Sometimes users would experience an issue where camera did not work on Android unless floating camera surface had sufficient size. The functionality was redesigned, camera is now working without issues.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Remove collection of anonymous data setting (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1230] More


Allow collection of anonymous usage statistics setting was present in ISL Groop application even though the application no longer collects any statistics, thus the setting does not have any effect. The setting was removed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Android Mobile - Change order of registration fields in classroom registration interface (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1232] More


Order of registration files in classroom type meeting registration interface was incorrect. The ordering was corrected, student number is now correctly ordered in front of student name input field.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Invalidate local camera surface on each frame (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1236] More


Some users on older Android phones experienced an issue where camera would freeze locally when in Classroom meeting. The functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience this issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Auto full screen does not always work when joining classroom (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1237] More


Some users experienced an issue where ISL Groop would not switch to full screen upon joining on Android as student when teacher is sharing their screen. The functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience this issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Media control dialog displayed twice when on presentation mode (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1241] More


Users experienced an issue where a media control dialog was displayed to them twice when they were on presentation mode in ISL Groop and teacher would turn on their camera. The functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience this issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Add missing camera null check to prevent crash on teacher control (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1244] More


Users encountered an issue where ISL Groop would crash on Android if camera is repeatedly turned on and off. The functionality was redesigned and users are able to turn on or off camera without issues.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Mobile Android - Fix camera surface creation (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-1246] More


Users encountered an issue where either local or remote user were not able to see camera stream even though the camera was turned on. The functionality was redesigned and users are able to see user camera without issues.

The defect was fixed.

Tags: android 2022, isl groop

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