ISL Network Start 4.1.0 for Windows (2015-01-30)


General Information

On 30th of January the following was released:

  • ISL Network Start 4.1.0 for Windows (Platform=win32, Revision=38750, release_date=2014-11-21, os_version=0x5000000-0x7fffffff)

ISL Network Start 4.1.0 requires ISL Conference Proxy 4.0.4 or greater.

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


Defect fixes

ISL Start - Desktop - Add SHA-2 (256, 512, ...) compatibility (FEATURE) [ISLSTART-70] More


Added support for SHA-2 signature family.

ISL Start - Desktop - clear cache fails (DEFECT) More


On some computers ISL network start failed due to antivirus program blocking deletion of files in cache. The process was redesigned, in case it does not remove the files, isl network start ignores the deletion of cached files and continues the procedure.

The defect was fixed.

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