ISL Conference Proxy 3.3.3 for Windows and Linux (2011-05-24)


General Information

On 8th of June 2011 we have released 32bit Windows, 32bit Linux and 64bit Linux versions of:

  • ISL Conference Proxy 3.3.3 (Release date: 2011-05-24 Revision 20233)

ISL Conference Proxy Modules (all are available as 32bit Windows, 32bit Linux and 64bit Linux versions):

  • ISL AlwaysOn 1.2.5 (Release date: 2011-05-24 Revision 20072)
  • ISL Light 3.3.5 (Release date: 2011-05-24 Revision 20156)
  • ISL Groop 2.2.0 (Release date: 2011-05-24 Revision 20214)
  • ISL Pronto 2.0.2 (Release date: 2011-05-24 Revision 20212)

ISL Conference Proxy Translations:

  • Translation pack (Release date: 2011-05-24)

Major improvements

  • Support for ISL Light iOS version added
  • ISL Pronto - web client live chat mobile layout, print option and word wrap in input box added
  • ISL Groop - support for ICS files as attachments on invitations and improved localization/translation

Upgrading to new version

Hosted Service

ISL Conference Proxy releases apply to server license owners only 

Server License

Upgrades are free of charge for ISL Online Server License users with active Extended Support Service. ISL Online Server License users with expired Extended Support Service are welcome to purchase Extended Support Service in order to gain access to the newly released ISL Online Server system. In case you have extended ESS you will need to create new license file and upload it to your ISL Conference Proxy server.

Quick Instructions for users, who have installed ISL Conference Proxy 3.1 or later

  1. open web administration of ISL Conference Proxy http://localhost:7615/conf
  2. login using admin account
  3. click Online update link in left navigation
  4. click Apply changes if you have automatic install

Improvements in ISL Conference Proxy

New features

ISL Conference Proxy - Add support for external binary tools (openSSL replacement) [ISLCONFERENCEPROXY-39] More


We implemented option to override internal ISL Conference Proxy tools especially openSSL. This helps customer that want to distribute only one openSSL which was certified.

1. make file /var/confproxy/external_tools with content:


2. (re)install confproxy from .bin installer

3. confproxy will pickup new openssl and test it, /var/confproxy/openssl will be deleted in order not to upset any automatic security scanners

ISL Conference Proxy - describe error in error report for NTP problems [ISLCONFERENCEPROXY-29] More


Added description for errors in NTP.

ISL Conference Proxy - Notify administrator by email on internal server error (500) [ISLCONFERENCEPROXY-24] More


In some cases ISL Conference Proxy could generate internal server error - 500. All errors will be send to administrator.

Defect fixes

ISL Conference Proxy - ambiguous handling of disabled user on module webpages [ISLCONFERENCEPROXY-38] More


If you disable access for user to specific module, then we get:

- ISL Light DOES NOT respect the key and shows page like nothing happened

- ISL Pronto DOES NOT respect the key and shows page like nothing happened

- ISL Groop has strange behaviour - sometimes only text output, sometimes in frame.

CP now catches access to any page of module and shows a general error of user account having disabled use of specific module.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - debian init problem [ISLCONFERENCEPROXY-45] More


Debian Linux apt-get upgrade and dpkg-reconfigure might fail on Debian Linux, because init script /etc/init.d/confproxy does not contain LSB dependency informatio

The defect was fixed.

Improvements in ISL AlwaysOn module

New features

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Add support for computer list search for on program API [ISLALWAYSON-26] More


The API supports same search as it is implemented in web. In addition it also supports simple text search.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Enable server updates by default [ISLALWAYSON-20] More


Option to push upgrade should be enabled by default.

Added push upgrade to ISL Conference Proxy web adminsitration.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - graceful GRID server cleanup (drop all clients) [ISLALWAYSON-13] More


Option to disconnect all ISL AlwaysOn clients has been added to ISL Conference Proxy web adminsitration.

Defect fixes

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Using ISL AlwaysOn history on pages causes 100% CPU load on server [ISLALWAYSON-11] More


The problem occurs if you specify large time frame > 30 days. Added limit to max span in search to 30days at ISL AlwaysOn history pages

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - problem with WebStart and single click [ISLALWAYSON-9] More



- login from to

- click ISL AlwaysOn

- click connect on a computer

- PROBLEM: WebStart will not be detected and normal network start will be used (exe)

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - connect does not work if URL is too long (IE) [ISLALWAYSON-8] More


It could happen that URL generated by ISL AlwaysOn connect procedure will be too long for IE.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Change computer name on computer name update [ISLALWAYSON-5] More


The computer name in ISL AlwaysOn database did not change when user changed computer name.

The defect was fixed.

Improvements in ISL Light module

New features

ISL Light - Module - Added support for ISL Light iOS client [ISLLIGHT-158] More


We added support for initial release of ISL Light for iOS.

ISL Light - Module - Get code without database [ISLLIGHT-4] More


ISL Light can now generate code without checking the database - this make code generation a lot faster.

Defect fixes

ISL Light - Module - Crash on ISLL2 call [ISLLIGHT-195] More


ISL Conference can restart in case it receives ISLL2 call - exception is not handled correctly.

The defect was fixed.

Improvements in ISL Groop module

New features

ISL Groop - Module - Send ICS file (Outlook agenda) with invitation [ISLGROOP-13] More


ISL Groop module will send ICS file as an attachment when sending invitations. It will send it only in case when meeting or webinar has date and time set and this is in the future.

ISL Groop - Module - activity monitor improvements [ISLGROOP-46] More


Changed navigation to active session in ISL Conference Proxy web administration.

Defect fixes

ISL Groop - Module - random server crash on disconnect of client [ISLGROOP-73] More


When multiple clients disconnected, server could randomly crash. This was more obvious when active session was moved or when license expired and clients were thrown our of session.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Module - Add missing strings to translation system [ISLGROOP-49] More


Some of strings could not be translated on ISL Groop web pages.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Module - Wrong automatic email reminders for 1day and 1hr before event start [ISLGROOP-75] More


Automatically generated email reminders have wrong body text.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Module - Duplicated registration when signing for notifications [ISLGROOP-46] More


If you are unauthorized user and you want to sign up for the webinar the registration dialog will appear. After the registration the time to join the meeting will appear. You can click on sign up for notifications. After signing in for notification you are redirected to the registration is needed again even though you have registered before.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Module - Notification mail gets new lines removed [ISLGROOP-60] More


if you send notification to other users, and change the body text of the notification by adding new lines ( enter ) , the email received will have everything written in one line

The defect was fixed.

Improvements in ISL Pronto module

New features

ISL Pronto - Module - Implement web client live chat mobile layout [ISLPRONTO-33] More


We detect phones by user-agent and send smaller/simpler layout using 100% width chat in the middle, header on top, chat input on bottom, no px sizes.

ISL Pronto - Module - Add option to print chat in web client chat live chat [ISLPRONTO-41] More


Web chat client has now possibility to prepare a printer friendly version of current live chat.

ISL Pronto - Module - Add word wrap when typing in web client live chat [ISLPRONTO-13] More


We implemented word wrap on text input for web client. It used to scroll left, now it will up.

ISL Pronto - Module - add web client browser and operator information to HTTP events (IP, GEO location, browser, etc.) [ISLPRONTO-40] More


ISL Pronto records web client browser information and sends it through HTTP notifications for external system processing.

New fields:

CLIENT_country_code, example: US

CLIENT_country, example:

CLIENT_city, example: San Francisco

CLIENT_latitude, example 11.3

CLIENT_longitude, example 11.3

CLIENT_browser, example: Internet Explorer 9.0 32-bit (Windows 7 64-bit)

CLIENT_ip, example

CLIENT_internal_ip, example

CLIENT_rdns, example









ISL Pronto - Module - Add option to disable ISL Light messages in ISL Pronto operator chat [ISLPRONTO-34] More


We added setting to disable automatic link of text chat from ISL Light to ISL Pronto.

Defect fixes

ISL Pronto - Module - Web client reconnect makes supporter comments visible to client [ISLPRONTO-37] More


When web client reconnected, it showed also comments that operator typed into chat.

The defect was fixed.

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