ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.1721.9 with modules for Windows and Linux (2017-05-30)


General Information

On 30th of May the following was released: 

  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.1721.9 for Windows 32bit (Platform=win32, Revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef, release_date=2017-05-26, os_version=0x06000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.1721.9 for Windows 64bit (Platform=win64, Revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef, release_date=2017-05-26, os_version=0x06000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.1721.9 for Linux 32bit (Platform=linux, Revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef, release_date=2017-05-26)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.1721.9 for Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef, release_date=2017-05-26)


  • Authentication 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • Core Login 4.4.1721.11 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=fd14243e8799df8876998c79d6346cbf55561293)
  • DNS Server 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • Geo IP 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • ISL Groop 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • ISL Light 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • ISL Pronto 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • Locale 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • NTP 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • PostgreSQL 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • Reports 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • Storage 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)
  • System monitor 4.4.1721.9 (release_date=2017-05-26, revision=7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef)


  • core_login_20170526_20170526_085430.translation
  • isl_alwayson_20170526_20170526_085430.translation
  • isl_conference_proxy_20170526_20170526_085430.translation
  • isl_groop_20170526_20170526_085430.translation
  • isl_light_20170526_20170526_085430.translation
  • isl_pronto_20170526_20170526_085430.translation
  • reports_20170526_20170526_085430.translation

Translations ( newer translations )

  • core_login_20170602_20170602_120039.translation
  • isl_alwayson_20170602_20170602_120039.translation
  • isl_conference_proxy_20170602_20170602_120039.translation
  • isl_groop_20170602_20170602_120039.translation
  • isl_light_20170602_20170602_120039.translation
  • isl_pronto_20170602_20170602_120039.translation
  • reports_20170602_20170602_120039.translation

Update availability

All  updates have release date set to 2017-05-26. Your ESS will need to be  same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is  available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


Core Login 4.4.1721.9 with revision 7cd288f5eb954fbf7e1280abaa5779b8aca09aef was replaced with Core Login 4.4.1721.11 with revision fd14243e8799df8876998c79d6346cbf55561293 due to:

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Add install_always and release-date tag to Core Login module (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1465] More


Core Login module did not have the appropriate tag set in its header and as a result did not get installed by default through online update.

The header has been updated with the "install_always" tag and now the module is installed by default.

The defect was fixed.

New translations were added because in some cases French texts were shown when user had English language selected (INC-433)


ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Remove obsolete debug counters (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-771] More


Obsolete debug counters, that did not get updated anymore, were removed. Many of them were not relevant anymore since Direct Tables support.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Module DNS - Optimize DNS resolving service (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1048] More


Several optimizations have been made in the ISL Conference Proxy and its DNS module, in order to improve DNS resolving throughput. Number of handled DNS queries is now greatly improved in order to prevent potential DNS outages. Users can now also control the maximum number of DNS requests in log files per second, this setting is located in "DNS server settings" of ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Support for new libmaxminddb API for geoip (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1050] More


Support for new libmaxminddb library for reading MaxMind DB files (GeoIP2) was addded to ISL Conference Proxy GeoIP module. This makes lookups of IP addresses faster, while also allowing greater flexibility in the type of data associated with an address. New GeoIP resolver api was also updated with timezone and language parameters. New available information includes: timezone, extra information returned in MMDB format and translated names, which are provided to ISL Online products.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add "Private (local)" file storage location (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1061] More


New Private (local) storage location was added to ISL Conference Proxy. This storage is used to store GeoIP files and the storage is not distributed automatically among other servers in GRID environment. The Private (local) storage is located on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Advanced section -> File storage.
Path to file is defined as: objectslocal/FILENAME

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Limit number of generated DNS addresses for GRID servers (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1089] More


Number of generated DNS addresses for GRID servers have been reduced to 1000, while maximum number of DNS names generated for HTTP tunnels have been reduced to 1, in order to limit the number of TCP connections. New default values for "Comet maximum generated DNS names" setting is "1000" and for "Comet maximum generated DNS names for HTTP tunnels" setting is "0" (both settings are found in "Web server" section of ISL Conference Proxy web administration). In case of ISL Pronto web browser live chat, randomly generated DNS names are still kept to avoid potential problems, just the range has been reduced from practically infinite to 0-999. We keep the control of TCP connections in case of Autotransport, so the new default value has been set to single static server address (in case of issues, increase this number to 1000 or set it to 0 to get the old behavior).
To get ISL Conference Proxy back to old behavior, set both "Comet maximum generated DNS names" and "Comet maximum generated DNS names for HTTP tunnels" settings to "0".

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Account properties WebAPI (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1094] More


Added 4 new webAPI method that modify user profile:
utils/account/property/get/1 - This API method will list logged in user information ( full name, nick name and timezone )
utils/account/property/set/1 - This API method will set user information for logged in user ( full name, nick name and timezone )
utils/timezone/get/list/1 - This API method lists all possible time zones
utils/timezone/time/string/1 - This API method can be used to convert time format

The following webAPI method was extended to include timezone in the response:

ISL Conference Proxy - Module DNS - add TTL settings for generated records for load balancing (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1098] More


Added support for custom Time to live parameter for generated records. This setting can be access in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration / DNS server / Zones. Then when creating new zones, users can input custom Time to live parameter.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module DNS - remove enforcing of minimum TTL from SOA (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1103] More


Behaviour for calculation of minimum TTL has changed. When there is no defined custom TTL for nameservers, load balancing or GRID names then it uses minimum TTL from SOA, else it is using custom TTL even if it is less than minimum TTL.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Module PostgreSQL - Add robust higher level PostgreSQL table dump and restore with pg_tool (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1106] More


ISL Conference Proxy now includes a database dump and restore tool, which gives users improved flexibility when creating PostgreSQL database backups and restoring them, also in the events of major database corruptions.
The tool is called pg_tool and is located in the default ISL Conference Proxy installation folder. Running pg_tool without parameters in your terminal, will present the usage:


pg_tool [options] start
pg_tool [options] start_without_restore
pg_tool [options] stop
pg_tool [options] reload
pg_tool [options] reload_with_regular_config
pg_tool [options] run_as_service <seconds> <executable> [<argument> ...]
pg_tool [options] status
pg_tool [options] check
pg_tool [options] initdata
pg_tool [options] initdb
pg_tool [options] dump_table [<table> ...]
pg_tool [options] restore

--gzip (dump_table, restore)
--connect=<connect_string> (dump_table, restore)

In the evenet of major database corruption, ISL Conference Proxy will fail to start, which will be indicated in the ISL Conference Proxy log files (confproxy_server.log). If automatic database rebuild fails, the following steps are needed to recover the databse (replace pg_tool.exe with ./pg_tool, if running the Linux server):
# Stop ISL Conference Proxy service: net stop confproxy (Win) | confproxyctl stop (linux)
# Navigate to ISL Conference Proxy default installation folder and start PostgreSQL database using pg_tool: pg_tool.exe start
# Dump PostgreSQL database into .sql file (do not use --gzip flag so you can manually edit sql file in case restore fails, which is commong with corrupt data): pg_tool.exe dump_table > dump.sql (check the dump.sql file to verify that dumping succeeded, you can open it with some tool that handles large files)
# Stop PostgreSQL database: pg_tool.exe stop
# Backup (rename) old PostgreSQL data directory in ISL Conference Proxy default installation directory: move postgresql_data postgresql_data.broken
# Create new data directory: pg_tool.exe intitdata
# Start PostgreSQL database: pg_tool.exe start
# Prepare database for restore (create database "isl" and user account "isl"): pg_tool.exe initdb
# Restore PostgreSQL database from the dumped sql file (this step might fail in case of serious data corruption, edit dumped sql file if necessary): pg_tool.exe restore < dump.sql
# Dump PostgreSQL database again and ensure that restore succeeded fully (compare the file content/size)
# Start ISL Conference Proxy service (if restore was successful, ISL Conference proxy will start normaly): net start confproxy (Win) | confproxyctl start (linux)

If database corruption is minor and ISL Conference Proxy web administration page is accessible, simple database rebuild  might be enough to fix the data corruption:
# Open ISL Conference Proxy web administration page (http:\\<server_address>\conf)
# Navigate to "Configuration->Advanced->PostgreSQL->Installation" page
# Click on "Rebuild PostgreSQL database with dump and restore..."
# Click on "Execute" that will be made available (ISL Conference Proxy will restart after that)

When performing regular database backups, you can use --gzip to compress the dumped sql file: pg_tool.exe --gzip dump_table > dump.sql, pg_tool.exe --gzip restore < dump.sql

For extra recovery options, add the follwing to postgresql_init.conf:
ignore_system_indexes = on
zero_damaged_pages = on

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - config.json support for creating exe-only modules (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1117] More


ISL Conference Proxy now supports creation of internal exe-only modules, which allows for greater flexibility, scalability when developing new ISL Conference Proxy modules. Basic module structure requires a config.json file to describe meta information about the module application and the application itself. In such cases, exe paramter is poinitng to a program files which are meant for development. In deployed module, the module application is fully self-contained and packs all depenedencies in its folder.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - SQL read/write support for module apps (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1120] More


Added support for module SDK to have access to database with unprivileged user. This user has only read and/or write access. This user cannot perform update or delete. User must add proper key/value pair to config.json file under register_app JSON object.
For read access: "sql_read_access":1
For read/write access: "sql_read_write_access":1

Example for read access
var pg = require('pg');
var pgConfig = parseLibPqString(process.env.ISLCP_POSTGRESQL_READ_ACCESS);
var db = new pg.Client(pgConfig)
Users can then connect to database via connect function.

Example for read/write access
var pg = require('pg');
var pgConfig = parseLibPqString(process.env.ISLCP_POSTGRESQL_READ_WRITE_ACCESS);
var db = new pg.Client(pgConfig);
User can then connect to database via connect function.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Support external webapp to implement webapi2 calls (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1122] More


Added support for allowing module SDK to register webapi2 methods. The methods can be registered in config.json file, under webapi_call_moduleinfo array in the module SDK.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Reduced functionality mode (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1125] More


ISL Conference Proxy will now run in reduced functionality mode until PostgreSQL database backend module is installed ( module can be installed via Online Update or Manual update ). Users will receive the following warning message when logging into ISL Conference Proxy configuration page: ISL Conference Proxy is not fully configured which will cause limited or inaccessible functionality. In the side menu, go to Manage software and select Online update or Manual update to install all the latest modules. If this message persists, please contact ISL Online support.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - PostgreSQL counters for libpq and direct tables layer (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1129] More


New counters were added to ISL Conference Proxy:
LIBPQ:execute_error - number of SQL statements that failed execution
LIBPQ:execute_ok - number of SQL statements that executed correctly
PGDT:batch - number of multirow inserts
PGDT:delete - number of deleted rows
PGDT:estimate_row_count - number of estimated SQL row count
PGDT:gc - number of garbage collector runs
PGDT:grid_async - number of executed grid async process
PGDT:insert - number of inserted rows
PGDT:make_dbid - internal counter for increment id of table
PGDT:make_version - internal counter for increment version of table
PGDT:notify - number of waits for executing triggers
PGDT:query - number of SQL SELECT commands
PGDT:sql - raw SQL executed by module
PGDT:update - number of updated rows
PGDT:watchdog - number of watchdog runs

Values of these counters can be seen in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Debug / Counters.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Serve program executables with minimal redirects (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1133] More


New feature has been added to ISL Conference Proxy, which allows serving program executables with minimal redirects. "Serve program executables directly (minimal redirects):" can be found under "Configuration->Advanced->Web server" settings and is enabled by default. With this settings turned off (old behavior), all executable parameters were passed in the extra redirect, where filename was included in the URL. New default behavior uses single redirect to access cookie data and then serve the executable directly. Filename is now present only in the header (Content-Disposition), not in the URL.

ISL Conference Proxy - Webapi2 - Extend session/query/2 argument userAgent with uwpProtocol (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1140] More


WebAPI method "session/query/2" was extended with checking for user agent on UWP devices ( Universal Windows Platform ). This enables the users to join ISL Light session on UWP device directly from ISL Conference Proxy join page.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Change module_interface to be branch indicator instead of increasing revision (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1150] More


ISL Conference Proxy modules now use new module interface indicator, which assures older modules will load on newer ISL Conference Proxy core module. Modules with higher module interface incidator than ISL Conference Proxy core module will not be compatible.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add support for module apps packed as .module file (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1152] More


Added support for packing module SDK module into .module file. Once .module file is generated it can be uploaded to ISL Conference Proxy through File Storage -> Modules.
make_moduleapp.exe --module-dir=X --name=Y --version=Z --build-command=ZZ --platfom=ZZZ --cert-dev-dir=ZZZZ

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Optimize database row counting with count(*) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1159] More


PostgreSQL database counting has been optimized. count(1) was replaced with count(\*). PostgreSQL parses The expression count(\*) as a special case taking no arguments, allowing for faster row counting.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add login dialog debug log (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1166] More


Added support for exposing login subsystem logs in ISL Conference Proxy log. To enable this functionality navigate to ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> Logs -> Subsystem login dialog debug log. Once enabled all login attempt will be logged in ISL Conference Proxy log.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add support for per-domain and per-user 2fa login dialog (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1167] More


Added support for per-domain and per-user two-factor authentication login dialog. Users can now implement different login dialogs for different domains and for different users.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Prevent replay attack in login dialog (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1169] More


In some beta version of module Core Login it was possible to reuse login dialog state to brute force verification codes in multi-factor authentication. This part was now redesigned so that attacker cannot reuse login dialog state and if it does it will receive error.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add default security setting to disable simple logins when MF is enabled, add fallback method for old clients (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1170] More


We added default security settings to disable simple logins when multi-factor authentication is enabled and also, we added fallback method for old clients that do not support multi-factor authentication. Users will have default external dialog authenticator set to core login, logins that use utils/login/1 will be rejected by default, utils/login/dialog/1 will be registered when core login module is present. 

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add pipe and curly bracket escapes to XPP preprocessor (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1179] More


ISL Conference Proxy preprocessor (XPP) now supports escaping of pipe and curly bracket symbols |, {,}. In order to escape those special characters, users should use the following in their web templates:
{{&p}} for escaping pipe character
{{&lb}} for escaping left bracket character
{{&rb}} for escaping right bracket character

In case of more complicated templates with "if" block or "for" loops, nested delay(s) should be used:

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add new webapi2 method called internal/utils/time/get/1 to fetch current GRID time (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1180] More


New webapi2 method was added that is called internal/utils/time/get/1. This method does not accept any parameters and will return current GRID time.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add external login dialog webapp registration API (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1182] More


Added support for registering external login dialog using module SDK. When defined all login requests are processed through module SDK.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add unix epoch timestamp to local webapp request headers (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1183] More


Each request to local web application now includes timestamp (unix timestamp) in the request header.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add local high privilege (unthrottled) webapi port for webapps (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1197] More


In config.json file, "webapi2_url":1 parameter in register_app JSON array will set variable ISLCP_WEBAPI2_URL which must be used to access webapi2 in privileged mode. This implementation will made on socket connection per each HTTP/1.1 request. Variable ISLCP_WEBAPI2_URL is found in process.env.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Implement TOTP login method (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1198] More


Time-base One-Time Password (TOTP) method has been implemented for second step of user login. Users can add TOTP, named them and use them for login into their ISL Conference Proxy account.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add web pages version in moduleapp spec (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1202] More


Added support to user web pages version variable in moduleapp specifications. To use this, users should just enter @WEBVER@. For example:
"path: "/images/@WEBVER@/foo.jpg"

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Restrict login dialog GUI element values to C-style ID (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1210] More


Identifiers used for Login dialog GUI elements must now be compliant to C-style identifier quidelines. When using external dialog authenticator, all identifiers from the elemenets need to match the following regular expression: ^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$. This gretly reduces implementation complexity and attack surface. Using non-compliant identifier values will return "No data from API" error.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Implement configure phone number procedure (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1216] More


Phone number procedure for two-factor authentication has been added to ISL Conference Proxy. Now, users can configure their phones as second step for login and they will receive SMS when someone wants to login into their account.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module Core Login - Implement 2FA email login method (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1217] More


Email was added as two-factor authentication module. Users can now use email for their second step when they login into their account. Users will receive email with confirmation code when someone wants to login into their account.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add relative links usage to login dialog and implement html errors logs (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1218] More


ISL Conference Proxy login dialog used as External dialog authenticator now supports usage of relative URL links inside login dialog and added error logging. New argument has been added to "utils/login/dialog/1" webapi2 method, namely "webBrowser". If "webBrowser" argument is set to "1", relative URL links will be returned.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Implement Yubico’s U2F login method (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1223] More


Support for Yubico's U2F login was added to ISL Conference Proxy. Users can add new security key under Security section of their account. Users can also set name for their security key, and most importantly, users can login using approved security key.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module Core Login - Missing login dialog GUI elements (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1228] More


Added additional login GUI elements that are sent through webapi2 login dialog functionality:
- Buttons that are links
- Input text placeholder
- Success button
- List item ( which includes text and right arrow )

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Allow sending emails without login on local high privilege port (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1229] More


Added support for sending emails without login. This can be performed only on local high privilege port, which means that webapi2 call internal/utils/email/system/1 must be called from localhost. If email is sent without login on local high privilege port, then in email header, user can see following entry: ISLConferenceProxy with ISL_WEBAPI_internal_utils_email_system_1

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Implement internal/* namespace for webapi2 that operates only on webapi2 local high privilege port (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1230] More


Added support for new webapi2 namespace called internal, that operates only on local high privilege port. Every webapi2 call that starts with internal/ can be called from local high privilege port. That means that webapi2 method must be called from localhost and parameter as runtime secret key, and high privilege port must be provided by user. Users can check this webapi2 calls if they navigate to They will see that both fields (runtime secret key and high privilege port) are enabled. This two parameters can be found in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Debug / ModuleAPP XML file. After two parameters are provided, users need to click reload and they will see all webapi2 internal calls.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Implement web page version sets (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1231] More


Added support for implementing web page version sets. Different pages can have different version, different scope from software policy can have different versions, etc. For example:
    "440": {
        "": [{ //default catch-all scope
                "default": 1, // default version set
                "name": "Default", // text that will be shown in footer of page
                "title": { "__tr__": { "text": "Default" } },  
                "versions": {
                    "Core/Login": 1, //login page will be v1
                    "Core/Join": 1,  //join page will be v1
        }, {
            "name": "Preview",
            "title": { "__tr__": { "text": "Preview" } },
            "versions": {
                "Core/Login": 440, //login page will be v440
                "Core/Join": 440,  //join page will be v440
        "TooEarlyAdopter": [  // scope from software policy
This can be added in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration / Advanced / Web server. There is a setting called Web version specification and in there, users should add web version specification.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Webapp JSON response translator (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1238] More


If provided CP-JSONTR then this enables JSON translation in web call responses like webapi, external authentication etc. Mandatory parameters are module, context, language and version (this must be greater than zero). Users can then record this translations in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Debug / Translations.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Module SDK preprocessor redesign + remove cp headers + pack headers in base64(json(map)) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1246] More


XPP multi-stage preprocessor was removed for external web applications, redesigned module SDK preprocessor now uses native preprocessor. Translation step was left intact and is executed before native preprocessor. All web application comminucation over HTTP now uses  X-Islcp-Header packing, this affects reverse proxy, external authenticator, webapi2 and internal privileged webapi port.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Removed option to redirect on /users/join page (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1260] More


Change affects only installations which use "join" pages version 1. New behavior of /users/join does not use setting Do not use service public addresses for web pages (raw data: disable_web_service_addresses) anymore and always forces use of internal reverse proxy to serve join page.

Feature can be controlled using flag 2017-02-02 ISLCONFPROXY-1260 join page v1 uses reverse proxy instead of client redirect and is by default enabled in version ICP 4.4.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module Core Login - Register product page (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1284] More


Added support for registering product web pages in module SDK. For two-factor authentication a new entry was added in the drop-down menu ( by clicking on username ) - Security.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Module SDK pass CP-PUBLIC-URL in webapp HTTP calls (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1296] More


From now on, Module SDK passes CP-PUBLIC-URL link in webapp HTTP calls. To see this link, users can create own module and print json encoded response.header and check what value does this variable have.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Prevent 2FA code bruteforcing (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1299] More


Added two-factor authentication throttle in order to prevent brute force attack on login. The throttle limit will check how many attempt were made in certain time period. If number of failed attempts exceeds the limit, the login will be rejected and users will receive the following error "Too many failed login attempts. Please try again later.". The second factor failed attempt is also logged in ISL Conference Proxy log.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module Core Login - Use grid_nice_name or public URL for TOTP, SMS, and Email codes (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1305] More


Added support for including ISL Conference Proxy installation name when sending second factor authentication via TOTP, Email or SMS. In case the installation name of ISL Conference Proxy is not defined, public address of it will be used. The new webaAPI2 method which returns ISL Conference Proxy installation name and identification is utils/grid/info/get/1. It does not require any input parameters.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Improve GRID network queue tracking and overflow handling (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1307] More


ISL Conference Proxy GRID network queue tracking has been improved, GRID network queue is now reported for every 1MB increment, instead of each 1B, which could lead to overflow of queue memory size. New settings has also been added to ISL Conference Proxy GRID settings, which allows for generation of coredumps and logging in the event of GRID network queue overflows the set value (in MB).  

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add "Remember me" hint to login dialog (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1324] More


Login dialog returned by utils/login/dialog/1 webapi2 method now includes "Rememeber me" button as a hint. This allows client software to save user credentails for later logins. By default, "Remember me" button is disabled on ISL Conference Proxy login page and displayed on ISL Light 4 login window.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - AKV logging subsystem API (FEATURE)


ISL Conference Proxy subsystems now support new logging api, which stores log events in redefined AKV (Apache key-value) format. Users can now choose between different severity levels for subsystem logging:

0: emergency (Example: failed to start PostgreSQL)
1: alert (Example: unclean restart, please send crash dump to ISL Online (or internal server error 500 where server is not in load balancer set anymore)
2: critical (Example: internal server error 500)
3: error (Example: 404 not found on web pages where HTTP referrer = server)
4: warning (Example: exe took 13 seconds to generate)
5: notice (Example: failed to decode webtoken because it expired)
6: informational (Example: HTTP request handled)
7: debug (Example: HTTP request header parsed)

Subsystem severity logging settings are available in "Configuration->Logs" section of ISL Conference Proxy web administration. Severity levels can be set differently for each of the subsystems, with "emergency" being the lowest level (logging only emergency events) and debug level being the highest level (logging all available events). The default set severity value is "3: critical".

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Windows - Add option to configure size of crash dumps (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1353] More


Added support for configuring crash dumps size of ISL Conference Proxy. This feature can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Features and it is available only for Windows.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Improve programs crash reports (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1381] More


Added support for improving programs crash reports. All crashes are now recorded into ISL Conference Proxy server log. From log line users can see LOG_SUBSYSTEm, APP_CRASHICPFILE, SOCK_CLIENT_IP, APP_CRASHRAW_TXT, APP_CRASHIMAGEPATH, APP_CRASHEXCCODE, APPCRASHEXCADDR, APP_CRASHOS, APP_CRASHAGENT.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Translate html attribute output support (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1391] More


ISL Conference Proxy internal translation engine now supports output of translated html attributes, which comes together with strict validator/error checker.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Core Login - Enable translations (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1392] More


Initial version of Module Core Login translations was released. When users will switch language to their language, they should have all strings that are part of Module Core Login translated.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Initial version of Core Login (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1397] More


This version comes with new module called module Core Login. Core Login module is an authentication module with 2-Factor Authentication support. Module can be configured for multiple login mechanisms as well for several methods of 2-Factor Authentication (second step). For second step of 2-Factor Authentication, user can choose between:
* Phone (add a phone number to recieve verification codes to your phone. Twilio platform)
* Authenticator app (using Authenticator app enabled you to get free verification codes, even when your phone is offline - TOTP based.)
* Email (add an email address to recieve verification codes to your email)
* Security key (use your security key for verification, e.g. Yubico keys using U2F standard)

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Core Login - Return internal/implementation errors from external login dialog (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1405] More


Added support for returning internal implementation error from external login dialog.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Report failed attempts to ICPs rate limiter (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1424] More


Module Core Login is now reporting any failed attempts to ISL Conference Proxy rate limiter. This failed attempts can be seen in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Debug / UA throttle XML.

ISL Conference Proxy - Translations - Initial version of Module Core Login translations (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1432] More


We released new translations for initial version of Module Core Login. When users will switch language to their language, they should have all strings that are part of Module Core Login translated.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Add webapi2 method for Core Login module (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1441] More


When Core Login module will be installed on ISL Conference Proxy, various webapi2 method will be registered.

security/login/tfa/device/list/1 => this method will retrieve list of login devices for current user.
security/login/tfa/device/remove/1 => this method will remove login device for current user.
security/login/tfa/device/description/update/1 => this method will update login device description.
security/login/tfa/method/default/set/1 => this method will set default two-factor authentication method for current user.
security/login/tfa/disable/1 => this method will disable two-factor authentication for current user.
security/login/tfa/email/add/1 =>
security/login/tfa/email/confirm/1 => this method will confirm users email address. If it is already confirmed it will return an error.
security/login/tfa/email/remove/1 => this method will remove users email address.
security/login/tfa/pending/code/active/1 => this method returns true if user has active pending confirmation code.
security/login/tfa/phone/add/1 => this method will add phone for current users and delete all unconfirmed phone numbers.
security/login/tfa/phone/confirm/1 => this method will confirm phone if it is not yet been confirmed.
security/login/tfa/phone/remove/1 => this method will remove phone for current user.
security/login/tfa/totp/add/1 => this method will add new pending TOTP device with supplied nickname and will return this TOTP device with shared secret set.
security/login/tfa/totp/confirm/1 => this method will confirm pending TOTP device.
security/login/tfa/totp/remove/1 => this method will remove TOTP device for current user.
security/login/tfa/totp/nickname/update/1 => this method will update nickname/alias for current users's TOTP device.
security/login/tfa/totp/list/1 => this method will retrieve list of TOTP devices for current user.
security/login/tfa/u2f/register/request/1 => this method will register new U2F challenge.
security/login/tfa/u2f/register/response/1 => this method will register U2F response.
security/login/tfa/u2f/remove/1 => this method will remove U2F device for current user.
security/login/tfa/u2f/description/update/1 => this method will update U2F device description for current user.
security/login/tfa/send/confirmation/code/1 => this method will prepare new pending code, add it to DB and send it to user.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core -  Add settings for CPLB on root flags (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1261] More


Several CPLB (load balancing cookie) features have been added in order to assure correct behavior and control execution path of ISL Conference Proxy web server. These features include:
* reverse proxy support of setting CPLB cookie on root path
* reverse proxy usage of CPLB cookie on non-authorative URL
* reverse proxy removing subpath CPLB cookie
* registering /users/main local binding
* registering /users local binding for custom, core, netstartobject, programs, start, download
* join page using reverse proxy instead of client redirect

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add ANALYZE table after each index reindex (create/drop) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1269] More


Added new option for database maintenance - analyze. Apart from the newly added feature, functionality for reindexing was redesigned. After reindexing, analyze command is also automatically used. Vacuum button was renamed to Vacuum Analyze ( the functionality remained the same ). Database maintenance commands can be found in ISL Conference Proxy configuration under Configuration -> PostgreSQL -> Tables.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add a health check API for reverse proxy setups (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1294] More


Added health check API which can be used when reverse proxy is put in front of ISL Conference Proxy. With the new API functionality the reverse proxy can check whether the server is available or not by making a request to:
[server_address]/health/server/enabled. If server is unavailable the response will be returned with error code 500.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Multiple application SSL keys / certs (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1309] More


In previous versions of ISL Conference Proxy the default application RSA keys length was 1024 bits which is now increased to 2048 bits. Users are also able to generate new keys, however old keys will remain stored on ISL Conference Proxy ( compatibility with applications that were downloaded before generating new RSA keys). Users also have the option to disable obsolete keys ( users who have application with obsolete keys will not longer be able to connect to ISL Conference Proxy server ).
Configuration of RSA keys can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> Advanced -> Security.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Enforce SSL web pages by default if HTTPS is enabled (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1319] More


Default settings for redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS were changed. When HTTPS is enabled, ISL Conference Proxy will automatically enforce using SSL web pages ( either users are redirected from HTTP to HTTPS or the request is blocked ). The following settings on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> Security were changed:
- Disable automatic SSL usage on web pages was renamed to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS for all user web pages ( default value was changed from No to Yes )
- Force SSL for all user web pages was renamed to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS only for login web page ( default value was not changed )
- Use SSL only for login on user web pages was renamed to Disable HTTPS URLs on webpages ( default value was not changed )
- Force SSL for WebSockets was renamed to Require HTTPS for WebSockets when HTTP to HTTPS redirect is enabled ( default value was changed from No to Yes )
- Force SSL for WEBAPI was renamed to Require HTTPS for WebAPI when HTTP to HTTPS redirect is enabled ( default value was changed from No to Yes )
- Force SSL for WEBAPI2 was renamed to Require HTTPS for WebAPI2 when HTTP to HTTPS redirect is enabled ( default value was changed from No to Yes )

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Module Authentication - Custom error messages from external authenticators (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1361] More


New HTTP response headers were added: X-XSS-Protection: 0, X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff, Referrer-Policy: same-origin, Strict-Transport-Security (must be set by administrator), Public-Key-Pins (must be set by administrator). New experimental (not enabled by default) header was added: Content-Security-Policy.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add support for recommended headers (SECURITY) [ISLCONFPROXY-1395] More


Users that used external authenticator like LDAP, then they could get wrong login error if account was disabled, if password expired and so on. This was redesigned so that now, users will get correct error. This error texts can be configured in ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration / Security. The name of this setting is External authenticator fail reason specification ([["regex", "html text"], ...]).

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Moduleapp AKV logging compliance with IOW 8219 (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1433] More


Module app to ISL Conference Proxy logging has been updated to the AKV1 format. The new log line format for module apps is $AKV1:hello_test:3:Log test 1 . . . . . . AKV LOG_SUBSYSTEM="hello_test" LOG_SEVERITY="error" where hello_test:3 specifies subsystem and severity level. The example final output: 2017-05-17T21:47:35Z [host/node/7756] Log test 2 . . . . . . AKV LOG_SUBSYSTEM="hello_test" LOG_SEVERITY="critical". log_name parameter in config.json register_app command is not used anymore and should be removed from config.json. Subsystems must be registered with a command ["register_log_subsystem", {"name":"hello_test", "description":"[Hello] Test"}]. Two optional numeric parameters severity_log_level and severity_mail_level specify at what severity level the log line is logged or sent by mail. Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - login dialog returns show-signup hint to indicate presence of signup webapi (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1455] More


Added support for returning show-signup hint. In previous version, SL customers could disabled signup, so when users tried to signup (for example in ISL Light), they got notification saying that they cannot due to signup is disabled. Now, when call is performed to utils/login/dialog/1, in hint field, there will be show-signup key, which indicates if signup is disabled or enabled. If value of this key is set to 1, then users will be able to signup.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL AlwaysOn - Add debug button to dump online computers (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1183] More


We added option to ISL Conference Proxy configuration to dump ISL AlwaysOn computers that are online. Users can see online computers under /conf and then in Activity monitor/Sessions/Active/ISL AlwaysOn, under Grid Stats, click on Connected Computers.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

ISL Light - Module - Join link generation for ISL Light Client for UWP Mobile (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-4014] More


Added schema for UWP Windows 10 Mobile. When users are joining to ISL Light session from web on their UWP device, the application will open and it will join to session. In case user does not have installed ISL Light Client for UWP, then the download page for ISL Light Client for UWP will open on Microsoft App store page.

ISL Light - Module - Add feature flag for invite operator functionality (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-4482] More


Added support for Invite operator functionality for ISL Light 4.3 and ISL Light Desk 4.1.2. With this feature, users can invite additional operator into ISL Light session.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Pronto - Module - Add 'joined' and 'log' columns to chat member table (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-642] More


Two additonal field have been added to the ISL Pronto chat_members table, namely "joined" and "log" columns. "joined" column contains information about the time when chat member joined the chat, while "log" column stores the the array of event objects (JSON), such as "user has joned the chat", "user has left the chat", "user lost connection", "user reconnected", etc. and is limited to first 50 join/leave events.

ISL Pronto - Module - Add setting to not reconnect operators on settings changes (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-1018] More


Added setting "Automatically reconnect operator on change of settings that need reconnect to take effect" located on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> ISL Pronto. When this setting is disabled, any changes in settings that modify operator behavior will not cause reconnect of ISL Pronto operator ( setting will not be applied to operator unless operator performs reconnect).

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - packet generation in GRID can fail due to selection of disconnected server (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-888] More


In some cases, packet generation in GRID failed due to selection of disconnected server. For example, one file was only on server1 but it actualy started to download on server2 which could have been disconnected or file was local on server1. This was now redesigned, so that packet generation should not fail and should select correct server.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Change "Local override" naming for "Login enabled" setting to improve comprehensibility when changing local server values (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1097] More


"Local override" naming was replaced with "Local default" when changing "Login enabled"  local server values under "General" settings of ISL Conference Proxy. The old naming was abandoned in order to eliminate confusion when applying changes to local servers as global setting inherits the value from local settings.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Crash when sending Wake-on LAN command (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1104] More


When users sent Wake-on LAN command via web interface for offline computer, then ISL Conference Proxy crashed. We redesigned this so that ISL Conference Proxy does not crash when users send Wake-on LAN command to offline computer.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - pg_tool on windows fails to switch to account islcp when necessary (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1108] More


In some cases PostgreSQL application ( pg_tool ) failed to switch account to islcp thus the service failed to start. A new service "confproxy_runas" was added to ISL Conference Proxy which switches account to islcp and runs the needed process in unprivileged mode. Issue with switching account should not longer happen.

The issue was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - /start program download is slow and not cached (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1132] More


When users downloaded programs from /start, the may experienced slow download. This was redesigned so that now, download should not be slow.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Incomplete logging during ISL Conference Proxy shutdown procedure freeze (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1171] More


ISL Conference Proxy server did not log some of the shutdown procedure steps in certain edge case scenario, where shutdown procedure was stuck. Logging has been redesigned in order to display the missing information when performing shutdown procedure.

The defect was fixed

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Fix XPP to be single-stage (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1245] More


Web templates preprocessor (XPP) is now executing in a single-stage manner, providing that generated content is always reinterpreted correctly. Multi-stage preprocessing used in older versions could generate broken content due to the XPP execution bug.

This flag is enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - CPLB cookie does not ensure correction js library include (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1248] More


Root path (path=/) CPLB cookie (load-balancing) has been added for URL paths the end with .html or have no dot (.) in the file name. Non-html (.js,.css, ..) files do not run load balancer anymore, CPLB cookie is not present. This prevents browser from switching to another server and breaking the web page with mixed version of files. CPLB cookie is supported by webapi2 calls to send the requests to the server indicated in the cookie.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - /join/CODE URL does not properly detect join web page version (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1275] More


Changed URL path /join and /join/<CODE> functionality. Old functionality would check setting which version of join page to use on /join and redirect accordingly to the version specified in configuration. New functionality will always redirect from /join and /join/<CODE> to /users/main/join2 and /users/main/join2?code=<CODE>. URL path /users/main/join2 and /users/main/join2?code=<CODE> will check the version of join page which should be used, similar to old functionality on /join, but /users/main/join2 will also check CPVER cookie introduced in ICP 4.4 as part of page versions set feature. Feature fixes a defect for users using version set functionality.

This functionality is controlled by flag 2017-02-16 ISLCONFPROXY-1275 join page url version check and is enabled by default in ICP 4.4, others flag are disabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - ISL Groop iOS link will get you to blank page and on 400 page on Edge (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1349] More


If users clicked on ISL Groop iOS link on download page in ISL Conference Proxy, then they were redirected to blank page. This was now fixed so that users are redirected to ISL Groop iOS App store page.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - System login dialog does not transfer U2F supported flag to Core Login module (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1399] More


With 2-Factor Atuhentication enabled, system login dialog did not transfer necessary flags for U2F security keys to corresponidng core login module. This was redesigned, needed arguments for U2F support are now correctly passed from login dialog to core login module.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - translation output html / htmladdr clash error (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1414] More


Users may experienced translation clash when enabling translation recording in ISL Conference Proxy page under Debug / Translations. This was redesigned, so that now, translation clashes should not occur.

This flag is enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Removing user will remove group member, leads to errors in ISL AlwaysOn web interface (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1417] More


If user created a group and shared group with other users and then that user was removed, all users which had this group shared experienced an issue with loading of ISL AlwaysOn web interface. The issue was in Javascript error when trying to resolve the owner of the shared group. Handling of shared groups was redesigned, users should no longer see any Javascript error.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module GeoIP - Crash when starting module for the first time on Win64 (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1426] More


Module GeoIP cause ISL Conference Proxy process to crash when starting for the first time. This was redesigned, so that when module GeoIP is loaded for the first time, ISL Conference Proxy should not crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Restore timezone detection in v430 template in ICP 4.3 (DEFECT)  [ISLCONFPROXY-1534] More


POST /users/main/set_session_data in main web template v430 was restored to allow timezone detection. This post was missing in ISL Conference Proxy 4.3.0 - 4.3.9.

The defect was fixed.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Modules - Add Javascript error handlers (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1249] More


Added error handlers for Javascript functions. In case there is a Javascript error on the web page, the error will be displayed on the web page instead of being only displayed inside console ( Developer tools ).

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - IE cannot load fonts with HTTPS and "Cache-Control: no-store" header enabled (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1306] More


Internet Explorer did not load font over HTTPS if Cache-Control header has been set to "no-store". "Cache-Control: no-store" header has now been disabled for static resources in order to fix this issue.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

[PREVIEW] ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Incorrect input parameters for webapi2 call will cause unhandled exception instead of user error (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1389] More


If user specified incorrect input parameter in webAPI method "utils/users/query/1" ( session code instead of user id ) this resulted in internal server error instead of user error. WebAPI method was redesigned, users will now receive user error instead of internal server error when providing incorrect code.

Flags for this ticket are disabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Cannot connect to ISL AlwaysOn computer using MAC address access filter - webapi2 issue (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1188] More


Users were unable to connect to remote ISL AlwaysOn computer if that computer had MAC address access filter defined. The issue was that connect API, which is used by ISL Light, did not correctly check for access filter thus denied everyone the access to that computer. Connect functionality was redesigned and API checks the defined access filters. Users should now be able to connect to remote ISL AlwaysOn computer using ISL Light if the access filter permits that user to connect.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Incorrect/deprecated TCP transport ports API usage (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1196] More


Previous version of ISL Conference Proxy ISL AlwaysOn module was checking internal TCP ports, that might affect ISL Conference Proxy installations behind reverse proxy/firewall. This was redesigned, ISL AlwaysOn module is now checking TCP ports, that are available/visible from the outside of reverse proxy/firewall placing.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Nothing happens if user clicks on Files (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1199] More


On web interface under Remote Access if users clicked on dropdown for offline computer and then on Files, nothing happened. We redesigned this so when computer is offline, users cannot click on Files in that dropdown.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - invalid db session state when desk/client reconnects to unsynced server (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4391] More


In previous version, there was possibility that invalid database session state will occur when ISL Light Desk and/or ISL Light Client reconnects to server that is not synced. This function was now redesigned, so if ISL Light Desk and/or ISL Light Client reconnects to server that is not synced, the database should be synced within 50 seconds.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Incorrect/deprecated TCP transport ports API usage (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4556] More


Previous version of ISL Conference Proxy ISL Light module was checking internal TCP ports, that might affect ISL Conference Proxy installations behind reverse proxy/firewall. This was redesigned, ISL Light module is now checking TCP ports, that are available/visible from the outside of reverse proxy/firewall placing.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - After sending email invitation for invite operator or transfer session you should be redirected to Remote Support tab (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4564] More


When users sent an email for Invite operator, they were not redirected to Remote Support tab. This was now redesigned so that users are automatically redirected to Remote Support tab.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Both resume and pause session are visible (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4565] More


In web interface, under Remote support for ISL Light session, if users clicked on dropdown, there were both resume and pause session visible. We changed this, so what only one of this two option is visible. If session is paused, then Resume session string is visible, if session is active then Pause session string is visible.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Broken right side of input field on session invitation page (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4568] More


Users may have experienced layout issue on session invitation page ( ISL Light session invitation ). The issue was that right border was not shown correctly. The layout was redesigned and border should now be shown correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Inconsistency between user chats in dashboard and reports (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-674] More


There were some inconsistency between user chats in dashboard and reports. On ISL Pronto dashboard, chats, where operator was invited to the chat, were listed, while ISL Pronto reports did not list those chats (if operator was invited, that did not count as chat). ISL Pronto reports took only taken and transferred chats into account, while dashboard was displaying invited chats also. This was redesigned, listed chats are now consistent between dashboard and reports. Chats, where operator was invited, are now present also in the reports.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Cannot answer chat - client shown in incorrect state (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-756] More


When users started chat in ISL Pronto, and if ISL Pronto program is restarted, the chat was in state visiting and not waiting, thus operator could not answer it. This was redesigned so when ISL Pronto program is restarted, the chat should be in correct state.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - InPage - ISL Conference Proxy crash due to segmentation fault in remove_client_session_from_user function of ISL Pronto module (DEFECT)  [ISLPRONTO-915] More


Faulty code in ISL Pronto module lead to crash of ISL Conference Proxy in some rare edge cases of Inpage chat usage. Segmentation fault was caused by incorrect handling of user object, when removing client session from user.
Access to the invalid user object has now been prevented.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Fix default for unmatched clients display (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-1019] More


In scenario, where operator was not assigned to a certain filter and ISL Pronto module setting "Show clients not matching the supporter's filter" was set to "No", that operator could still see clients waiting in the chat list. This was redesigned, correct default value is now sent to the client when setting is left at its default ("No").

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Add new setting to separate content from metadata access for public chats (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-1030] More


If two users were in two different filters and in if third filters, were both users present, then both users could see other users public chats content. This was redesigned so that users can see only metadata for public chats.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Crash in ISL Pronto module caused by db_save_chat_member (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-1040] More


An ISL Pronto module function, handling chat members leaving the ISL Pronto chat, was on some occasions altering the data, that was used in successive function calls. This caused crash on some ISL Conference Proxy servers, where starting and closing Inpage chats was done frequently. Program flow and the code responsible for handling leaving users information has been changed to fix this issue.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Groop - Module - Crash triggered by PostgreSQL direct tables (DEFECT) [ISLGROOP-964] More


Crashed occurred on some servers that were running ISL Groop module. The crash was triggered by PostgreSQL direct tables backend. Some functions in ISL Groop module were redesigned so that ISL Conference Proxy should not crash anymore.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

The defect was fixed.

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