Libs 2


[LIB-54] - XISL - chapsa - Fix chapsa for iOS, audio playback and capture not playing well togather

[LIB-92] - LIB - prepare utils for windows 64 bit build

[LIB-93] - External - osxbuild - osxbuild task fails on osx 10.10.2

[LIB-94] - XISL - chapsa - Fix interruption handling for iOS 6

[LIB-95] - XISL - chapsa - For iOS, update audio playback/recording session api to AVAudioSession

[LIB-96] - ISSC - dont use LCTRL with alt-gr

[LIB-97] - Hefa - windows - report stop service status before exit

[LIB-99] - ISSC - right modifiers are not reflected in scan codes

[LIB-100] - VNC - right modifiers are not reflected in scan codes

[LIB-102] - SysInfo Plugin - add support for calculation of row width needed for displaying multiple monitors (n>4)

[LIB-103] - External - postgresql - import 9.3.6

[LIB-104] - External - cmake - isl.cmake provide isl_target_platform

[LIB-105] - Utils - strip - detect strip type, add -noelfunexport option

[LIB-106] - Builder - linux - add python-dev so gdb python visualizer can be built

[LIB-108] - HEFA - add windows com helper

[LIB-109] - Utils - pm/Apple - add sign function

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