Remote Desktop


Click "Remote Desktop" button to start remote desktop. After client runs the link, you can view the visitor’s desktop or invite a visitor to temporarily view their desktop.

ISL Light and ISL Light Client support a variety  of parameters and settings in order to change their behavior and can be accessed trough Settings. Below is some examples of what is possible.


The Example topic consists of the following subtopics:

Enable custom parameters

By default ISL Light session is started with the account you are currently using to chat it ISL Pronto:

Un-check "Use domain settings" to add custom parameters to ISL Light, ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client:

Start support session as another user

Enter the username and password of another ISL Online user. When remote session is started it is established under the specified account.

 In our case we are using ISL Pronto with account:, however session is established with account.

Pass command line arguments to ISL Light 

Enter the desired command line arguments to be passed to ISL Light and ISL Light client. Commands are described in detail here: Command line arguments.

In our case we instruct ISL Light that we want to see the remote screen immediately and in highest quality.

Tags: online connection, virtual access

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