Upgrade from Previous Versions


This chapter describes the procedure for upgrading your ISL Conference Proxy from versions 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5/4.0/4.1/4.2 or versions 2/3.0.x.

ISL Conference Proxy 3.1.0+ includes online update functionality - updating is performed through the ISL Conference Proxy administration (login to your ISL Conference Proxy administration and select Online update on the left).

Please follow the instructions below in order to upgrade your ISL Conference Proxy version 2 or 3.0.x to version 4.3.0.

Note: These instructions are also available in the file Readme.html when you create a new ISL Conference Proxy 4.3 packet.

Important: Prior to release of ISL Conference Proxy 4.1.0 the ISL Conference Proxy processes were running as root (administrator). With release of ISL Conference Proxy 4.1.0 the root privileges are needed only for binding ports (confproxy_service) and for the first installation of ISL Conference Proxy. After that the ISL Conference Proxy will run in unprivileged mode (confproxy_server). When ISL Conference Proxy is installed it will also add a new user (islcp) under which the ISL Conference Proxy is running.

Note: Upgrading from old version of ISL Conference proxy will add user islcp to the system and change the permissions of files in ISL Conference Proxy folder.

Note: We detected that change of permissions on Windows can take long time on large number of files (multiple hours for bug ICP installations ~30GB). We recommend that you try upgrading first on test server with production database (copy production ISL Conference Proxy folder to new machine and run new ISL Conference Proxy 4.3.0 installer).  

Upgrade from version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.0, 4.1 or 4.2

  1. Open web administration (http://localhost:7615/conf).
  2. Login as user admin, password asd.
  3. Select Licenses and upload the new license file (confproxy-4-x.license).
  4. Restart ISL Conference Proxy when prompted.
  5. Select Online update and download all necessary software components (ISL Light, ...).

Note: You may need to perform the Online update a few times, until all Conference Proxy components are updated. Please repeat the step 8 until there are no more updates available.

  1. Review server and user configuration in case there are any options which are not covered by automatic upgrade.

Upgrade from version 2 or 3.0.x


  1. Stop old ISL Conference Proxy in Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Services.

Note: Make complete backup of old ISL Conference Proxy folder.

  1. Create a new ISL Conference Proxy 4.0 packet using the instructions in the Create Packet chapter, then continue to step 3.
  2. Under the readme option run the appropriate installer for your server and follow the installation instructions.
  3. Web administration will appear (also available from Start menu or address http://localhost:7615/conf).
  4. Login as user admin, password asd.
  5. Select Basic configuration and enter all necessary fields.
  6. Select Licenses and upload license file (confproxy-4-x.license).
  7. Select Online update and download all necessary software components (ISL Light, ...).

Note: You may need to perform the Online update a few times, until all Conference Proxy components are updated. Please repeat the step 8 until there are no more updates available.

  1. Review server and user configuration in case there are any options which are not covered by automatic upgrade.


  1. Login as root and stop old ISL Conference Proxy: confproxyctl stop (or killall confproxy for version 2).

Note: Login as root and make complete backup of old ISL Conference Proxy folder: cd /var && tar -czvf confproxy_backup.tgz confproxy.

  1. Create a new ISL Conference Proxy 4.0 packet using the instructions in the Create Packet chapter, then continue to step 3.
  2. Under the readme option run the appropriate installer for your server and follow the installation instructions.
  3. Login as root and install ISL Conference Proxy: sh ISL_Conference_Proxy_4_x_<release number>_linux.bin
  4. Open web administration, which is available at address http://localhost:7615/conf.
  5. Login as user admin, password asd.
  6. Select Basic configuration and enter all necessary fields.
  7. Select Licenses and upload license file (confproxy-4-x.license).
  8. Select Online update and download all necessary software components (ISL Light, ...).

Note: You may need to perform the Online update a few times, until all Conference Proxy components are updated. Please repeat the step 9 until there are no more updates available.

  1. Review server and user configuration in case there are any options which are not covered by automatic upgrade.
Tags: isl conference proxy, upgrade

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