Using Filters


With the help of filters you are able to setup two (or more) groups of supporters, e.g. group 1 (filter sales) represents sales supporters and group 2 (filter tech)represents technical supporters. You can then put two chat live buttons on your web page, one for sales and the other for technical support.

Note: You can assign more than one filter to a user.

Creating and assigning filters

First you need to assign one of two filters to the users that represent your supporters:

Step 1

Open web administration, which is available at address http://localhost:7615/conf.

Step 2

Login as user admin, password asd.

Step 3

Go to User management - Users, select a username that represents a supporter.

Step 4

Select ISL Pronto.

Step 5

Enter the desired filter name(s) next to Filter membership, e.g. sales.

Step 6

Click Save.

Step 7

Repeat steps 3 to 7 for each of your supporters.

Having created and assigned the filters, you can continue with the next step.


Modifying website code

Let us assume you have ISL Pronto setup on a certain webpage (e.g. your online shop section) and would like the ISL Pronto button on that page to trigger only a certain filter - this can be achieved by adding a special parameter filter=FILTERNAME to your ISL Pronto script line, like this (replace FILTERNAME with the filter you created, e.g. sales):

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Our next example will show you how to modify your web page to include two ISL Pronto buttons, one for sales support and the other for technical support:

Step 1

Put this script code at the bottom of the page, just before </body>:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkFilter(name, txt) {
 var link = document.getElementById('pronto_' + name);
 var info = ISLProntoInfo.active_filters[name];
 if(info != null) {
         link.onclick = info.onchat;
         link.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
checkFilter('sales', 'Chat live: Sales');
checkFilter('tech', 'Chat live: Tech support');

Step 2

Put this code to a location where you wish to have the ISL Pronto chat buttons:

<p><a href="" id="pronto_sales">Leave a message (sales)</a></p>
<p><a href="" id="pronto_tech">Leave a message (tech support)</a></p>


If you use the chat.js script directly and wish to place a link that alerts only a certain filter or a certain group of filters, use the filter= parameter (for two or more filters,  separate them with commas), e.g.:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Hide clients not matching filter

Now lets hide clients not matching supporters filter. For example: We don't want the sales supporters to receive tech clients and vice versa.

To hide clients not matching filter follow these steps:

Step 1

Login to your ISL Conference Proxy administration (http://localhost:7615/conf).

Step 2

Select ISL Pronto from the menu on the left.

Step 3

Find the Show clients not matching the supporter's filter option.

Step 4

First uncheck the checkbox to the left of the option.

Step 5

Now click on the dropdown menu to the right of the option and select No.

Step 6

Lastly scroll down and click on the save button.

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