Accessing the Log File



On Windows machines the log files are located in the AppData directory at the following location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ISL Online Cache\ISL Groop\1\ (1 being the instance of the program, there will be an enumerated folder for each instance of ISL Groop). 

Note: Please check the following section to learn how to access AppData folder, since it is hidden by default on Windows machines: Accessing the AppData folder


  1. Download the .dmg file (ISL_Groop_<Version_number> <Meeting code>) and mount it by double clicking it.
  2. On OS X systems the drive is mounted under /Volumes folder. Run the following command in the terminal to list all mounted drives on your system: cd /Volumes && ls
  3. One of the drives should be named ISL Groop <Version number>, cd to that drive with the following command: cd  <ISL Groop drive name>
  4. Once inside the drive, navigate to the following folder using the cd command: ISL Groop <Version number>.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
  5. Run ISL Groop and start logging with the following command ./ISLGroop &> /Users/<Your username>/Desktop/groop_log.txt
  6. Log file groop_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Groop.
  7. Note: Terminal window has to remain open while you are logging the ISL Groop output, closing it will also close ISL Groop.


  1. Download the .zip file (ISL_Groop_<Version number>_<Meeting code>) and extract it to Desktop (/home/<your_username>/Desktop).
  2. In terminal window change directory to desktop with the following command: cd /home/<your_username>/Desktop
  3. Run ISL Groop and start logging with the following command: ./ISL_Groop_<version_number>_<Meeting_code> &> groop_log.txt
  4. Note: When running a command from step 3 you can enter only ./ISL_Groop and hit the Tab key and your computer will automatically fill in the name of the executable file.
  5. Log file groop_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Groop.
  6. Note: Terminal window has to remain open while you are logging the ISL Groop output, closing it will also close ISL Groop.

Accessing the AppData folder

  1. Open Windows Explorer window (shortcut: Win key + E).
  2. In the address bar (which shows the current location) enter: %appdata% and hit "Enter".
  3. This will open up the directory "AppData\Roaming\" so back up one level to navigate to actual AppData folder.
  4. You should now see the folders Local and Roaming.

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