On Windows machines the log files are located in the AppData directory at the following location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ISL Online Cache\ISL Groop\1\ (1 being the instance of the program, there will be an enumerated folder for each instance of ISL Groop).
Note: Please check the following section to learn how to access AppData folder, since it is hidden by default on Windows machines: Accessing the AppData folder
- Download the .dmg file (ISL_Groop_<Version_number> <Meeting code>) and mount it by double clicking it.
- On OS X systems the drive is mounted under /Volumes folder. Run the following command in the terminal to list all mounted drives on your system: cd /Volumes && ls
- One of the drives should be named ISL Groop <Version number>, cd to that drive with the following command: cd <ISL Groop drive name>
- Once inside the drive, navigate to the following folder using the cd command: ISL Groop <Version number>.app/Contents/MacOS/
- Run ISL Groop and start logging with the following command ./ISLGroop &> /Users/<Your username>/Desktop/groop_log.txt
- Log file groop_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Groop.
- Note: Terminal window has to remain open while you are logging the ISL Groop output, closing it will also close ISL Groop.
- Download the .zip file (ISL_Groop_<Version number>_<Meeting code>) and extract it to Desktop (/home/<your_username>/Desktop).
- In terminal window change directory to desktop with the following command: cd /home/<your_username>/Desktop
- Run ISL Groop and start logging with the following command: ./ISL_Groop_<version_number>_<Meeting_code> &> groop_log.txt
- Note: When running a command from step 3 you can enter only ./ISL_Groop and hit the Tab key and your computer will automatically fill in the name of the executable file.
- Log file groop_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Groop.
- Note: Terminal window has to remain open while you are logging the ISL Groop output, closing it will also close ISL Groop.
Accessing the AppData folder
- Open Windows Explorer window (shortcut: Win key + E).
- In the address bar (which shows the current location) enter: %appdata% and hit "Enter".
- This will open up the directory "AppData\Roaming\" so back up one level to navigate to actual AppData folder.
- You should now see the folders Local and Roaming.