Hide account e-mail when sending invitation


You can hide e-mail for specific user with users e-mail settings.

IMPORTANT: You must setup SMTP settings in your Conference Proxy in order to test hiding account e-mail. If you don't already setup it, please check here.

Step 1

In user settings under User management set setting Use account e-mail for sender to "No".

Step 2

Create new meeting and send invitation. If you don't know how to do that, please check here from step 3 to step 6.

Step 3

When you send invitation, "From" e-mail is the Default e-mail from address you set in SMTP configuration ("default-from@islonline.com"). Since we hide host's account e-mail, "Reply-to" is the same as Default e-mail from address in SMTP configuration ("default-from@islonline.com").

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, advanced examples , additional e-mail settings

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