ISL Light Desk 4.4.2447.17 and ISL Light Client 4.4.2447.17 with Desktop plugin 4.4.2447.17 for Windows (2025-02-04)


General Information

On 4th of February the following was released :

  • ISL Light Desk 4.4.2447.17 for Windows (release_date=2025-01-31, build=8647654861d3faba9e14d5e0fbefcab9fcfc006a, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.2447.17 for Windows (release_date=2025-01-31 , build=8647654861d3faba9e14d5e0fbefcab9fcfc006a, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)
  • Desktop Control plugin 4.4.2447.17 for Windows (release_date=2025-01-31, build=8647654861d3faba9e14d5e0fbefcab9fcfc006a, platform=win32)

All updates have release date set to 2025-01-31. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Check program extra when starting ISLLightService (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-6446] More


When starting restart and resume the desktop plugin will copy isllight.exe and isllight.extra to secure location. Previously this location for the executable was located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ISL Online\ISL Restart\s_INSTANCE_NUMBER\b, now it uses a new folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\ISL Online\ISL Restart\s_INSTANCE_NUMBER\bb.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - upgrade to libdatachannel-0.22.2 and libjuice-1.5.7 (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-6944] More


The libdatachannel and libjuice library were updated to latest version (libdatachannel-0.22.2 and libjuice-1.5.7).

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Raise plugin interface version and change the checker for enabling restart and resume (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-6973] More


The plugins interface version was raised along with ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client supporting the raised plugins interface version. Additionally the plugin also has new header field called use_extra which checks whether restart and resume can be enabled. In case new versions of ISL Light Desk/Client ( which have support for use extra - raised interface version ) is using the older version of plugin, it will not allow to enable restart and resume. There will be a chat message specifying that restart and resume was not enabled.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Filter old desktop plugins when .extra file is present (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6445] More


ISL Light Client/Desk program were updated with following when .extra file is used for starting the program: 

  • .extra file is locked 
  • we add environment variable ISL_HAVE_EXTRA with sha of extra file
  • when enabling restart and resume, the program checks that .extra file exists 

When ISL Light Client/Desk program starts with .extra file and than loads old desktop plugin (plugin does not support .extra file) following fixes were made:

  • enable of restart and resume prevented and chat line about the issue is added 
  • cmd lines for desktop plugin are sanitized to not include restart=begin|check and admin=restart instructions 

All this changes fix, situation with new program and old plugin when enabling restart and resume during on demand session or in ISL AlwaysOn session. Note: enable download client option when starting ISL AlwaysOn session.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Add support for allowed extracted file names and CRC32 checksum (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6493] More


Support for CRC32 checksum for extra file was added on Windows and it's now mandatory. In case the checksum is not correct it will spawn an error and prevent program from running. Additionally only the following extracted files are allowed in the unsigned part of the executable: 

  • ISLConfiguration.ini
  • cmdline.txt 
  • branch.txt 
  • log_on_desktop

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Add support for changing remote screen resolution when connect to clients (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6579] More


When clients join using ISL Light Client on Windows the supporters can now also change remote resolution, which allows operators to optimize the screen resolution of the remote Windows computer to match operators monitor(s) resolution. 

Once the session is completed, the resolution will revert to original state.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Add support for remote call routing to plugins (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6583] More


Added support for routing remote calls to plugins using the internal hefa API registry which is needed to support the change remote resolution functionality.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - A confirmation dialog box is needed when the user clicks the topbar - revoke control button (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6611] More


Pressing revoke control from topbar was redesigned. When user click on revoke access button he is presented with a dialog in order to confirm revoking of control. Granting control was not changed, there is no confirmation dialog for confirming.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Enable support for extra file (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6614] More


Support for extra file was added to launch. Extra file can be used to reduce size of unauthenticated blob. When extra file is used, UA blob only contains command to jump to extra file (has same name as main file but ends with ".extra").

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Redesign black screen on Windows 10 2004 or newer and use WDA_EXCLUDEFROMCAPTURE (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6821] More


Implementation of black screen driver on Windows 10 with build 2004 or newer was redesigned. In previous versions black screen functionality was using Magnification API on Windows 8 or newer. The new version now uses transparent ( alpha ) window similar to the implementation on Windows 7 operating system. The new implementation also uses the Windows flag WDA_EXCLUDEFROMCAPTURE which allows the use of desktop duplication driver along with black screen ( previously only polling/hooks were used when having black screen enabled ). Additionally polling driver was sped up.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Add functions win_is_win10 with build number (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6927] More


ISL Light now includes functionality that checks if it's being run on Windows 10 with build number 2004 or newer.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - AutoTransport SSL protocol and ciphers setting (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6930] More


Options "ssl_protocol" and "ssl_ciphers" were added to AutoTransport. Besides legacy OpenSSL format, the options support numeric hex codes:

  • ssl_protocol: "0x0301-0x10000" for TLS 1.0 profile and "0x0303-0x10000" for TLS 1.2 profile. 3-byte hex code "0x10000" is interpreted as no bound. 
  • ssl_ciphers: can now be specified using a simple numeric hex code list: "0x1302 0x1301 ..."

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - WinINet http proxy bypass and force_auth options (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6935] More


Two options were added to AutoTransport which affect wininet-http and wininet-https transports: 

  • http_proxy_bypass: configure which hostnames should (or not) use direct connection without proxy, use <-loopback> to allow localhost connections through proxy 
  • http_proxy_force_auth: immediately start with configured user+password when connecting, used to resolve a problem when Windows system account is not allowed to connect through proxy but http_proxy_user is allowed and proxy is using Windows integrated authentication

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Add option to hide "Grant control" option from ISL Light Client topbar (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6979] More


Users can now hide the grant/revoke button in the topbar along with the dropdown menu item for granting and revoking control. The following command line option has to be specified in order to hide the item: 

--on-load "desktop?topbar_control_visible=false"

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Implement enum metric with string/hash inputs (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6993] More


A new function was implemented that will be used for converting strings to compile time enums.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Dynamically resize the controls in top bar based on text length (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6242] More


The texts in topbar which are shown when user is sharing screen was in some cases broken into two lines in certain languages. The topbar handling of different text sizes was redesigned, the size of text holder will resize accordingly to the size of the displayed text thus preventing a line break.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Information about primary monitor is being ignored (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6590] More


When sending the information about the primary monitor, this information was ignored. Sending of monitors was redesigned, it no longer send information which monitor is primary one.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Check detected monitors against desktop duplication (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6661] More


In case remote user has two graphical card and multiple monitors connected to the cards in some cases the operator could not see all monitors. The issue was that desktop duplication driver in certain cases is not supported on graphics card thus reporting incorrect number of connected monitors. Checking of connected monitors is now redesigned, in case a graphics card does not support desktop duplication driver it will then fallback to polling/hooks driver which detects all monitors. The operator should now see all monitors.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Fix selected ISSC desktop driver name (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6822] More


In certain cases once connected to a remote machine the selected desktop driver was not shown in case polling/hooks was selected. Desktop driver selection was redesigned, the selected driver should now be correctly displayed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Popup message and chat message HTML injection (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6922] More


In case a user had an HTML injection set as his name, and terminated the session via license usage, the message box on ISL Light Desk/Client side and chat entry specifying that session was terminated by that users was shown the HTML injection. Both message box and chat now correctly escape the HTML injection so it will show the name of the user who terminated the session as written in user settings without HTML injection.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Ensure closed sockets in autotransport - Windows, HTTP tunnels (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6933] More


HTTP tunnel (httpt-direct) was fixed not to produce many TCP connections with CLOSE_WAIT state, which is a resource leak (server closes the connection, but the client does not).

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Session time missing when direct connection enabled in certain languages (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6946] More


In previous version of ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client if users had a certain language selected ( i.e. Slovenian ) and direct connection was established, the session time was not shown. The issue was in calculation of available space to fit the session time. Checking of available space was redesigned, the session time is now shown correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Fix topbar creation stall (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-7017] More


In some cases the displaying of topbar was delayed for several seconds upon start of desktop streaming. The issue was in incorrect detection of the size of the topbar rectangle. Starting display of topbar was redesigned, the size is initially set to 0, then later on calculated to the correct size. The topbar should now be displayed quickly after starting desktop sharing.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Session shutdown is slow with hooks and in process streaming (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-7018] More


In certain cases when session is terminated by the operator the ISL Light Client GUI got stuck and took several seconds to complete session end. Handling of session end was redesigned, the GUI should now quickly be closed once sessions is ended.

The defect was fixed.

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