ISL AlwaysOn 2.0.0 for Windows (2011-12-22)


General Information

On 22th of December 2011 we have released:

  • ISL AlwaysOn 2.0.0 for Windows 32bit (release_date=2011-11-10, revision=X, platform=win32, os_version=0x4000000-0x7fffffff)

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


Major improvements

  • new program and web icon
  • new settings dialog
  • connect options

New features

ISL AlwaysOn - Connect - Add desktop sharing options [ISLALWAYSON-33] More


ISL AlwaysOn Connect 2.0.0 program now supports connect options which will be stored on user profile. This way you can make your ISL AlwaysOn remote desktop connection always look the same

Default possibilities for server license:

- Small footprint of ISL Light -> this command line makes ISL Light show small GUI

- Enable total control -> This command line makes ISL Light lock local keyboard and mouse input

- Enable black screen -> This command line makes ISL Light show black screen on local computer

- Leave background on remote desktop -> This command line makes ISL Light prevent removing desktop background image

- Stream in best quality -> This command line makes ISL Light to stream in best quality (ISSC codec 64k color mode, triple mode, 60%)

For all these setting to work you need to have ISL Light 3.3.4 and latest desktop plugins.

Which options to show is managed through ISL Conference Proxy web administration -> ISL AlwaysOn -> ISL AlwaysOn start options



cmd=--on-load "main?smallfootprint" --on-connect "desktop?hidetopbar=true"

text=Small footprint of ISL Light


cmd=--on-connect "desktop?disablelocal=true"

text=Enable total control


cmd=--on-connect "desktop?black=true"

text=Enable black screen


cmd=--on-connect "desktop?leavebackground=true"

text=Leave background on remote desktop


cmd=--on-connect "desktop?color=64k"

text=Stream in best quality



ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Implemented new structured settings dialog with possibility to search for setting and direct help links [ISLALWAYSON-50] More


New settings dialog is structured into four main catagories:

- Basic

- Desktop Sharing

- File Sharing

- Advanced

Each category includes settings which are related to the category.

Each category and setting has help icon which takes you to the correct page in the online manual.

ISL AlwaysOn - Client - New tray icon popup menu with more possibilities [ISLALWAYSON-100] More


New tray icon popup menu has been developed which has following options:

- Open ISL AlwaysOn *NEW*

- Settings

- About *NEW*

- Switch on/off *NEW*

- Exit

ISL AlwaysOn - Client - Implemented new high quality icon [ISLALWAYSON-57] More


New high quality icon has been implemented and it is used:

- on web page

- as tray icon

- in add/remove programs

- in task bar

- as exe icon for ISL AlwaysOn 2.0.0 (in explorer when program is downloaded)

- as exe icon for ISL AlwaysOn Connect 2.0.0 (in explorer when program is downloaded)

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Added help buttons to user interface [ISLALWAYSON-48] More


Help buttons pointing to online help manual have been added. Help buttons have been added to:

- ISL AlwaysOn

-- My Computers tab

-- Overview

-- System menu

- Access History

- Settings

-- every section

-- every setting

- Add remote user dialog

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Changed text of system tray icon tooltip showing ISL AlwaysOn service status [ISLALWAYSON-6] More


We changed tray icon tooltip to simpler form:

ISL AlwaysOn - Enabled and connected to ISL Online Network


ISL AlwaysOn - Disabled

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Checking for upgrade and new translations has been moved to program [ISLALWAYSON-109] More


Checking for available upgrade of ISL AlwaysOn program and new translations has been moved to main program. ISL AlwaysOn will check for new updates once per week.


Defect fixes



In some cases there could be multiple ISL AlwaysOn tray icons present (version 1.2.4). This was more obvious on Windows XP computers. Once you went over the icons with a mouse, icons disappeared.

The problem lied in QT library which is used for user interface. We replaced this functionality with native windows calls.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Handle leak on reconnects [ISLALWAYSON-30] More


ISL AlwaysOn service in some cases leaked handles on reconnect.

The defect was fixed.

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